slumber parties // m x w

849 10 4

"wanna stay the night ?"


marvin called his mother up on the phone and whizzer listened in from the other room.

"yes , mom. alright. it's fine , i'll sleep in boxers. no , ma , wait —"

marvin's face reddened as his mother chuckled lightly on the other end of the line.

"okay. bye ma. see you tomorrow. love ya too ..."

he hung up the phone and walked into the other room where whizzer was stuffing a mountain of pillows together to make a (pathetic) pillow fort.

"marv , help me , would ya ?"

yet marvin couldn't move.

the sun was slowly setting against the distant horizon , and it softly carved whizzer's face into something quite like an angel's.

his left eye was caught by the sun , making the brown seem lighter , making marvin swallow thickly.

his grin suddenly seemed more ... elegant to marvin. he was fondly staring down at the shitty fort , a small dash of triumph dusting his features.

"marv ! take a look at this !"

whizzer turned around , and his hair fell over his dimmer eye , making the lighter one stand out even more.

"marvin ?"

he stepped closer , and marvin began to sweat. his hands became clammy , and he stepped back as whizzer stepped closer.

a look of mischief overtook whizzers features.

he kept on coming closer to marvin , and marvin kept moving back. it ended up as marvin presses against the wall and whizzer had his hands either side of the boy.

"marv , what wrong ? do i smell that bad ?"

whizzer laughed , but marvin's ears were fuzzy. he tried to say something , but it caught in his throat , making him whimper lightly instead of a chuckle or a snarky remark.

"marvin ?" whizzer used a gentle tone , and put a reassuring hand on marvin's shoulder. his soft palm made the other boys arm tingle , and his eyes began to burn slightly. his face became torrid , and before he could register what was happening he grabbed whizzers hand with the opposite arm.

"marvin , what are y—"

"shut up , just ... shut up."

his eyes began to well up with tears , and his chin wobbled , making him seem weak.

boys don't cry , marvin.

be a man , marvin.

why , marvin

try , marvin

he bit down on his bottom lip , making blood slowly trickle down the soft pink of his lip.

he let out a whimper , and slid down to his knees. he buried his head in his arms.

"fuck , marvin -!"

whizzer knelt down , and stroked marvin's hair , trying to get him to move his head.

"marv , look at me."

marvin shook his head roughly , and let out a strangled sob.

"i can't , i-i'm a disappointment-"

"marvin , wha-"

marvin shot his head up , and hugged his chest tightly.

"i'm gay , whizzer !"

whizzer's jaw opened ajar , and he breathed out heavily.

"my dad will kill me , my mom will hate me , i'm - i'm sorry..."

he caved in on himself , each sob breaking whizzers heart.

"marv , marv it's okay , i'm - i'm gay too , your mom and dad won't hate you , marv i promise."

even whizzer had began to tear up at this point , he wiped away marvin's tears with his thumb.

"you don't think they'll hate me ?"

marvin's voice was small , and he thought it seemed weak.

"you're okay , marv. you're okay."

time skip

they were staring up at the ceiling of their fort , it had somehow worked.

whizzer was shoulder to shoulder to marvin , and he was shaking a little bit.

marvin still wasn't used to being out as gay , and he grew nervous at the thought , so he pushed it down.

whizzer yawned next to him , and marvin blushed.

fucks sake marvin , you're blushing because he yawned !

"you wanna go to bed ?"

whizzers voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

"yeah , yeah let's go."

he turned out the light next to him , and the two boys were left in darkness.

marvin could taste the anxiety on his tongue , the familiar taste of salt making him grimace.

that didn't stop him from rolling over to face the other boy.

he couldn't see , but he presumed whizzers eyes were open.

"marvin ?"

yep. they were.

he let out a gentle hum as a response , and he shuffled closer to whizzer.

he got too close , and he could feel whizzers bodily heat.

he wrapped his arms around whizzers torso , and whizzer buried his head in the crook of marvin's neck.

whizzers shuddery breath on his sensitive neck made marvin tingle , and his stomach flutter.

he pulled away , and could barely make out whizzers face in the dark , but he took that as a positive.

"can i kiss you ?"

marvin didn't realise he spoke till the words echoed off the walls , and whizzer let out a small gasp. he could taste the words on his tongue , sharp and heavy.

whizzer responded by wrapping his arms around marvin's neck and pulling him into a bliss-filled kiss.

marvin wrapped his arms around the other boy , and pulled him closer , making whizzer groan quietly.

marvin was now acting without thinking , and he flipped himself so he was on top of whizzer.

he loved all of this.

he loved the way whizzer shuddered at his touch.

he loved the way his hands were tangled in whizzers hair.

he loved the way whizzers lips felt against his own.

whizzer let out a low groan as marvin pulled away.

marvin took the opportunity , and he went straight to whizzers neck , leaving gentle hickeys along the soft skin.

whizzer gasped and grabbed marvin's arms , biting his lip and whimpering.

marvin took the chance and bit down gently , and whizzer sighed blissfully.

this was going to be a long night.

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