baby, its cold outside // m x w

380 9 3

do i care it's still november for like one more day? no.



Winter was casted upon the city outside Marvin's apartment window. Snow was gently coated over the cobble streets, and couples were huddled together through the blizzards, giggling and skipping along together. The moon was peeking amongst various street lamps adorning the roads and cars, bustling along the roads.

Inside, however, a bottle of mulled wine laid half-full between the two men, who were laughing softly with hands intertwined; You see, the baseball game had been about three weeks ago, and they'd had two dates in quick succession, this being the third. The others had ended with swift, soft kisses, nothing more, nothing less. They hadn't said "I love you," To each other yet. They'd just had pork in a butter-and-honey roasted sauce, with kale and rice on the side, spending the meal dreamily gazing and passing compliments betwixt each other ("Gosh, that coat is charming." "You're hair looks swell, dear.").

"Oh god, is that the time?" Whizzer jumped over the sweet jazz record softly crooning through the apartment.

"What, 8:10?" Marvin checked, watching as Whizzer jumped to reach for his hat, "Whiz, you can stay here,"

Whizzer stopped.

"No, I- I must go. My aunt will be pacing, my ma will be-" He runs his hand through the damp chestnut locks, checking himself in the mirror, "God, just, well, questioning me to no end!" He huffs a blow of laughter, and it sends Marvin's heart ablaze.

"I'm sure they'll understand," Marvin sighed, pressing against Whizzer, "How about a scotch?"

"My brother, he'll torment me,"

"Whiskey?" He looped his arms around Whizzer's waist.

"Kayla? Oh, she'll laugh," He groans, glancing at Marvin in the mirror as he laid his head atop Whizzer's shoulder and pressed a small, clement kiss to his neck. The sensation caused a warmth no fireplace ever could, a tingle no liquor could provide, and he leans into the embrace with a grin.

"You don't have to leave," He mumbled against Whizzer's skin, silky and soft. He always envied the taller man's skin, how it was so... perfect. It was cool to the touch and had a sort of sweetness to it; Marvin would stomp and shout and fight, but all Whizzer had to do was hold him gently after, a simple brush of fingertips, and it fizzled out to Whizzer's touch. His soft skin.

He laughed, a breathless, sigh of a laugh, until he snapped out of his daze quickly, "No, I-" He shuffled out of the embrace.

"After all, what will the neighbours think?"

Marvin picked up the bottle, "They're lesbians, Whizzer, I think they know what spending a night together is," He chuckled.

Whizzer's stomach swooped and his fingers tingled at what Marvin was suggesting. A night together. Whether that meant just warmly embracing and watching movies, or...

The shorter man wiggles the bottle, "Half a drink more?"

"What about your aunt? She's coming tomorrow morning, isn't she? What will she do if I'm here?"

"Baby, it's fine-" And Marvin doesn't register what he said until it's out, costing the air, coating Whizzer, who swerved around and gave a cautious glance.


"Don't," He turned around, and Marvin thought he must've done something wrong, until he catches in the mirror that Whizzer is grinning, "Don't say it again,"

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