helpless, wanting. // m x w

777 10 9

(i'm sorry if you read this jojo--)

His back arched off the bed as Whizzer slipped onto him. The latter's throat rumbled as a hot, thick moan leaked from his pink lips. He begun to move, rocking his hips and gently closing his eyes. His cock was throbbing, pre-cum leaking from his tip.

Marvin shot Whizzer a lust-filled, needy glance, and drunk in the sight of his teeth gently biting down on his swollen lip, eyebrows furrowed in pleasure and focus. Yet he wasn't focusing, his brain was slowly slipping into a static mess, and sweat was forming on his forehead. He opened his half-lidded eyes, and caught Marvin looking. He let out a short, breathless laugh and lent down to press a sloppy, half-assed kiss to Marvin's lips which didn't exactly land where he wanted, but the latter tilted his head so their tongues danced in symphony.

"Fuck, Marv, baby--"

That name. Baby. It caused a flood of warmth to cascade through the smaller mans chest, making him let out a short, breathy moan.

"Whizzer" He growled, hungrily. Their mouths reconnected, and Marvin sped up his thrusts into his lover.

The sudden increase in speed caused Whizzer to shout, followed by a series of breathy, panting moans. A whine drew out of his mouth, which was curved into a grin.

"Unh-- Marv-- Do-Do that again."

He slowed right down, making his lover groan outright, and slammed into him again. Whizzer moaned loudly, hands curling into fists against Marvin's bare chest.

The latter turned the position around so Whizzer was on his front, and Marvin was upright, pounding into him. Whizzer began to shiver, his orgasm approaching. Marvin, being the asshole he is, noticed this, and came up with a plan.

With a loud cry, and a breathless "Fuck Whizzer-", Marvin came. Whizzer hasn't yet, but he was so, so close.

He slipped out, and Whizzer let out a high pitched whine. Marvin repositioned him so he was against the bed rest.

"Marvin" He pleaded, hand reaching down to finish himself off.

"Ah ah~" Marvin grabbed his hand, and pinned it above his head with the other. He kissed Whizzer with greed and want, and tied his hands with his dreadful, horrid knitted tie. Noticing this, Whizzer let out a short laugh.

"F-Fuck you." He stammered, still on the cusp of an orgasm. Marvin smirked, and wrapped a strong hand around Whizzer. He gasped at the contact, almost making him come from that alone.

"Yesyesyes--" He gasped out, back arching against the bed rest. Marvin loved seeing Whizzer like this, so helpless, so wanting.

"I-I'm so close, Marvinn-- Oh, oh Marvin--" and with that, he came stripes along Marvin's hand and wrist, his teeth in his lips, and eyes squeezed shut as he rode out his orgasm against Marvin's hand, hips bucking into the grip.

He didn't have time to relish, though, because Marvin began again, with Whizzer responding in a breathless groan and bucking against his hand. The former leant up, being careful not to press against Whizzers cock as he pressed his lips against his lovers. He groaned into Marvin's lips, and he drank them, wanting to keep Whizzer like this.

Helpless, wanting, moaning his name.

"Fu-uck--" A gasp, a moan, "Oh fuck, Marvin, you-you can't d-do th-- ah, fuck!- this to m-me--" In a way, Whizzer was slightly embarrassed as he gasped for Marvin to give in, as he sunk into submissiveness. His hands curled in their hold with that god horrible tie. He wanted to rip that tie in half and grasp Marvin to make him go faster, because everything was too slow, way too slow.

"Pl-Please, for the l-love of christ speed up. I c-ca-- can't g-go much l-longer--" He panted, and Marvin gave a smirk. That little--!

"You're so needy, undone for me. Moaning and gasping my name." Marvin growled, pressing a kiss to the underneath of Whizzers ear, nipping down, making the latter cry out with pleasure. His (shitty) knot which the tie had been previously held in came undone, and Whizzer's hands fell limply to his sides. He curled his fists in the sheets, and he felt his orgasm approaching. He begun to shiver, mouth open and gasping for air. Marvin laced his hand through Whizzer's damp, dark unruly curls and gave a tug, which sent him further into the first waves of orgasm.

"I-I'm gonna-- fuck!-- gonna come, Marv, Oh god I'm so close--" he laid a hand against the nape of Marvin's neck.

Marvin jerked his wrist as fast as he could to get him off, laying his sweaty forehead against Whizzer's, and Whizzer's eyes fluttered open, and met Marvin's baby blues.

The latter bathed in the sight of his lovers brown eyes, half-lidded and full of need and lust. He leant forward, harshly kissing Whizzer as he gave a loud cry of Marvin's name, and he came again, stronger this time. He sunk back into their pillows and duvet, feeling heavy and weightless at the same time, groin sticky, breathing heavily and closing his eyes with exhaustion.

"Wow." Marvin chuckles, laying next to him, weaving a hand through Whizzer's hair.

"That was-- amazing." Whizzer sighed, slumber already claiming him in its dark, soft grasp.

"Hey, one minute, don't sleep yet-- we have to clean you up."

It seemed about a second and Marvin's as hovering over him with a washcloth.

"Hey, hey. Spread?"

Whizzer did as he was told, still breathing heavily. Marvin was in the sheets next to him, and Whizzer used every ounce of his strength to lean into him, embracing the man he loved so goddamn much.

"I love you." He rasped, pressing a small kiss to Marvin's chest.

The last thing he heard before descending into slumber was "I love you too."

well. i finally upload and this is what you get. have it,, i'm going to bed.

(i'm so sorry lmao)

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