sailing // m x w

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yes, it's an anb song.
yes, it's love at first sight because i'm a sap™️
yes, i love anb and analise. :))

this is for u,, anne!! (falsettos_lover ) ily so much,, sorry it's so late,, i hope you like it! i can always write another one-

enjoy 💕💕!!

Now, Whizzer didn't exactly know why on God's fucking green earth he decided to show up to the local dickhead's, Conner James-Price's, party. He was told by his mother, in a tired New York accent, to "get out there more."

Whatever the fuck that means.

Once he went to his ma, he complained that his other mother had told him to go to said party, she just laughed and said that his mother wasn't to be argued with.

The door swung open before he was able to knock, and a random girl, in a questionably short dress, answered, slurring out, "Who the fuck is this? 'Ey, who invited you?"

"That's, uh, one way to answer the door." He choked out, sweat building on his forehead.

"Well, whatever, jus' get in 'ere." He slid past her cautiously, and made his way through the crowd of sweaty adolescent teens.

"Ey, Whiz!" A voice called out, making the poor boy almost jump out of his skin. He looked around hastily to spot Cordelia, sitting with another girl.

"Delia! Who's this?" He questioned once he got over there, to which she answered, "Oh, it's just my girlfriend Charlotte!"

"Aha, well, it's nice to meet you!" He stuck his hand out to then be shook by said girl.

"She's from--" And Cordelia's words began to fade out, as if he was underwater, and his hands grew clammy.

No. God please not here.

He began to tremble, and the room started to sway. He interrupted her (if she was still speaking, Whizzer couldn't really tell), "Dee, I-I gotta go, I'll-- I'll be right back." And on that confusing note, he made a dash for the nearest bedroom.

He fucking knew this was a bad idea. He hasn't had one of these in a while, but it was still fucking terrifying.

This guy, who seemed fucking loaded, had about six bedrooms on his second floor. Whizzer burst the door open on the first, to see a blond haired girl on top of a brown haired guy.

"Oh fuck!" He yelped, quick to slam the door shut, "I am so sorry!"

He froze for a second, trying to get that image out of his head.

He opted for running to the furthest one, since he thought no one would really want to go that far if they were about to bone or some shit. Also, judging by the clothes scattered in the hallway...

He locked the door, and bundled himself against the furthest wall, his tears threatening to spill over and sobs following.

"Fuck." He whimpered, "Fucking fuck, not here."

His whole body was shaking, sobs wracking his body along with shudders, and he couldn't breathe. His mind was going 100 miles an hour, and he couldn't seem to grasp at any rational thought. His heart was hammering against his rib cage, and he almost thought it'd fly right out if he couldn't calm himself.

He tugged at his hair, until he felt a pair of hands atop his own.

"Hey hey," He heard through thick distortion, "Dont tug so hard. I need you to remove your hands, can you do that for me?" He was able to slowly uncurl his trembling fingers out of his damp locks, to which the stranger brought them in front of Whizzer's eyes.

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