fall mornings // m x w

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college au again >;P

Fall has a smell.

It's the smell of auburn chestnuts slowly roasting atop the rich orange petals of fire, or maybe it's the bitter aroma of coffee and dark chocolate bustling from various coffee stops. To Marvin, it's the smell of fresh, soft linen quilts and lazy mornings.

When he wakes up all too early, the sky is still a shade of innumerable navy blue, so he tries to shut his eyes and fall into a deep sleep. But the body beside him - well, his boyfriend, Whizzer Brown - shifts with a small grunt and pushes closer to Marvin.

A scratchy, hoarse voice speaks up, "Marv?"

"Mornin'" He replies, rubbing a weary hand down his face.

You see, Marvin and Whizzer have been dating for about two months, but it's all soft touches and light comments, delicate hand-holding and warm embraces. There's no kissing - they've both been too nervous for that. Every time Whizzer has given him that soft, sweet look, Marvin has to dig up some old, ragged excuse that gets him out of the situation. He just doesn't want to fuck it up, but what hurts most is the look on Whizzer's face once he's gone.

"You okay, love?"

And that's when it hits him.

That name. That word. It sends his breathing erratic and his heart pounding, and he pictures, in his sleep-deprived brain, just holding Whizzer in a gentle grasp, one hand on his hip and one on his face, and kissing him. Kissing him so they press together and almost weld into one. Kissing him so Whizzer would make a small noise in the back of his throat and, draping both arms round Marvin's neck, tilt his head, and kiss back. It hits him that he can do it. He wants to do it

"Can- Can I kiss you?"

Marvin doesn't realise he's spoken until he hears the words reverb off the walls, and he feels them, sharp and heavy on his tongue. Whizzer sits up.

"You... really want to?"

"Of course. I don't know why I haven't been doing it this whole time." And that's true now, he really doesn't know why.

They both shift so they're in a comfortable position, and Marvin quickly says, "I'm not-"

"What? We can stop, hun, if you want?"

His chest aches again, "No, I don't want to stop, I'm just, uh, just very nervous."

"Okay, I have an idea," Whizzer starts, laying a hand atop Marvin's own, and Marvin's eyes shift downwards, "You can close your eyes, if you want, and I'll just do it. So then, you don't know when?"

When Marvin looks back up at Whizzer, he's smiling gently and lopsidedly, which suddenly gives a splutter of confidence in Marvin's chest.

"No. No I can- I can do it."

"You sure?"

They look at each other gently, and Marvin shares the warm smile.


Grinning, Whizzer lays his hands on each of Marvin's hips as the latter lays only one on his hip, and the other on his face, like he'd imagined. Whizzer cheek is soft and a tad warm, which only spurs Marvin on more.

"Do you wanna direct?" Whizzer asks, "Or should I?"

With the lack of an answer, Marvin decides, fuck it, and brings Whizzer face close to his own, and presses a gentle peck to the taller boys lips. Okay, so, it's barely a kiss, but give Marvin a break. It's the furthest he's gotten, alright?

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