i just adore him // m x w

390 11 6

The city is iridescent with lights off malls and various houses as Whizzer trudges in the rain, an umbrella adorning his brown locks, and clasped rather harshly in his red hands. The boy next to him is babbling away excitedly about the various amounts of coffee he's been able to pull out of his ass once he got a job as a barista.

"I bet you drink water with a straw too."

"I- You're acting like that isn't the best way to do it?" Marvin questions, faux offence flashing across his features, which draws a chuckle out of Whizzer.


The plan Whizzer has, however, almost makes him regret asking Marvin to come to the city in the first place. He was going to present to him the promise ring he'd bought on a whim with Cordelia under the moonlight and the rain, and they'd share a kiss. If he could find the right spot, he just wants it over and done with.

"Where exactly are we headed?" Marvin questions, to which Whizzer has to use his oh-so-speedy brain to snatch up a quick enough response.

"You'll see." Ah, sly. But everyone says that. Great. Marvin is probably as suspicious as ever now. Great going Whizzer Brown.

"Oh god, if you murder me, I'm gonna sue."

"After you're dead? Good one, Lawyer Smith."

"Shut it, asshat." The banter they have is light, it's careful, akin to a feather. Although it looks like it could be destroyed at the tip of a hat, it manages to dive out of the way, just out of reach of the claws of whatever being wants to fuck up Whizzer's chance.

There's a low, faint buzzing in his veins, coiling in his stomach. Every time Marvin smiles under the fluorescent lights of the city, Whizzer has to catch his breathe each time, and the buzzing grows louder.

People have begun to leave, and the park they settle for, which is very pretty, has flowers of different blooms hiding away each side (although they're barely visible in this light), and Whizzer slowly comes to a stop.

"And then- Whiz?" Marvin turns to face him, "What's up? Why'd you stop?"

Whizzer begins scratching at the umbrella handle, "Marvin. I need to-- to talk to you."

He's biting his lip softly, and keeps spinning the umbrella adorably, which Marvin has to stop himself from holding his hands right there and then.

He keeps his cool, however, and responds in a calm manner, "Shoot."

"Okay, fuck, okay I'm doing this-" Whizzer shakily reaches into his pocket, and retrieves a small box, "Marvin Smith. It's been, what, twelve years since I was lucky enough to meet you? And my life has never been the same, your cute little- little trinkets you have on your wrists, that jingle when you're being really passionate about a certain thing, it, it drives me crazy," The rain is still coming, and Whizzer looks at Marvin, who's looking a whole lot like God himself is standing right in front of him in all his glory, "And that time in, in elementary school, when that boy pushed you off the play set? And we went to the nurse? I don't know what six-year-old me was thinking, but when I kissed your knee, after it was cleaned, duh, I couldn't stop thinking of the way you looked. Once I turned eight, I thought 'God, Marvin is pretty,' over and over and over and I couldn't muster the courage to tell you. Then, we kinda drifted for a while. I don't even remember anything about that time period other than missing you and studying."

"Whiz, are you-"

"Please, let me finish, Marvin. Once we got back together, I," He begins toying with the box, "I didn't know why, but whenever I saw you, hell, whenever I see you, my brain goes to mush, and my heart won't stop beating, and there's this- this buzzing, that is just so goddamn loud." He grasps the box tighter, going on one knee.

Marvin's eyes are glazed, "Whizzer-"

"This is a, uh, a promise ring," He pops the lid off to reveal an amber gemstone intricately woven into what seems to be thousands of golden beams, shaped to fit Marvin's finger, "I have a matching one. You can- You can keep it for just friends if you don't reciprocate, but I just wanted to show you how much I love you. When I see you, I want to wake up and have you next to me, I want you to be there when I'm making you breakfast, and kiss me good morning. I want to spend the rest of my life with you." He looks up at Marvin, who's hand has come shakily to his mouth. Tears are rushing down his flushed cheeks, and he's smiling.

"Marvin Smith, will you be my boyfriend?"

Suddenly, Marvin is kneeling too, and his lips are on Whizzer's so fast that they nearly fall over together. Hands find their way to chestnut locks and pale blue shirts, grasping the soaked fabric with passion and want. The umbrella lays forgotten atop the grass, the rain seeping into their skin and hair, but what matters there is their lips are together, they fit like puzzle pieces.

"Yes," He mumbles, lips still pressed against Whizzer's, smiling and crying, "Yes, of course, fuck yes."

Whizzer's breathless as he reluctantly pulls away, "Put it on."

Once it's slid onto his lovers finger, they're beth crying. Gay marriage might not be legal yet, but they'll take whatever they can grasp.

"I love it. I love you." He gasps, smiling wetly at Whizzer, who's fave is soaked with tears and the rain.

"I love you so much, oh my god-" And they're embracing, lips pressed against one another, with car horns and street lights all blended into one another.

They walk home, hand in hand, and the rings glisten in the lights of bustling New York, and they both think to themselves that they'd not rather be anywhere else.

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