days like this // m x w

391 11 2

ref to a past fic if you squint

whizzer has ddd,, because representation (it's not mentioned here-)

also this is for my whizfrog clan!! i love all of you so much you don't even know 🥺🥺

pr: "yelling and aftercare cuddles" - me >:)

"This is so stupid!" Marvin dryly chuckles, throwing his hands in the air, "I mean, come on Whizzer. Is actually following rules not enough to get through to you? Christ almighty, Whizzer. You're so stupid." He immediately regrets the words that he previously spat, yet his head is too in the moment. He has no control anymore.

Whizzer tries to swallow down the tears that are brimming his beautiful, beautiful brown eyes that Marvin loves.

He said he loved, two years ago.

But people can say things, and not even mean them. People say they'll never do it again, and immediately go back to being the bitchy fucker they were before.

Case and point.

"I-It's..." He chokes out, past the growing lump in his throat, and he thinks about how many times Marvin had screwed him over, how many times fighting had led to screwing, and he realises that this isn't love; Whatever this is.

His heart fills with pain as he grits his teeth, biting out, "I hate this."

Marvin scoffs, "What?"

"I HATE THIS!" He screams, gesturing to their whole house, "I-I-" Tears spring from his eyes, but he makes no notion to wipe them.

"I hate feeling like this, Marvin! I cant trust anyone anymore, can I?" His voice wavers, his chin following.

"Because all we did was yell. All we fucking did was fight, and-- and I don't think I can live with that again."

"Whizzer, wh-"

"This isn't love, Marvin! This isn't a relationship! I get that you thought you could push me around before, but not again. I'm not a fucking housewife," He spits with venom, "And I refuse to be treated like shit. Its the angry sex, the-- the pathetic arguments, all over again, I--"

He swallows thickly, making eye contact with Marvin, who's arms are now uncrossed and he has the nerve to looked concerned.

"I can't do this. Just-- Just leave me alone."

"Whiz-" Marvin calls out pathetically, but Whizzer is already up the stairs, slamming the bedroom door shut in his wake.


Whizzer's feels as if he's floating. He doesn't know whereabouts he is in the universe, or if he's even in the universe, but his head is brought back to the silky pillow underneath him as Marvin knocks on the bedroom door.

"Baby?" He rasps from the other side of the door, making Whizzer tear up again.

"Marvin, please, I-"

"Look," He starts, "You don't have to talk to me. Just-- Just let me in. I'm so sorry I yelled, I didn't-- I didn't mean to raise my voice at you, baby, I just got carried away. I know it's memories of the past, and I was such a bitch to you. But I promise," His voice cracks, wavering and high, "I promise you I will never go back to who I was. You're so amazing, and I was such an ass to waste all that time fucking you over. But I'm sorry, baby, I love you."

And he's off the bed and to the door as quickly as his legs can carry him. His heart physically hurts, it longs for Marvin to hug him, to kiss him, to have him. He swings it open, to be met with a red, puffy-eyed Marvin, who's got a hand mid-run through his hair. He retracts it quickly, and opens his arms for an embrace, breaking his straight face, tears slipping down his cheeks, which Whizzer gratefully accepts.

They're both crying now, sobbing into each others shirts, and they've slid down the wall, sitting in each others laps, still embraced and sobbing.

"I'm sorry," Marvin mumbles, still sobbing, "I'm so, so, so sorry, baby."

"Marv, Marv-- I-It's fine--"

"No!" He pulls away, pathetically whimpering, "No, it isn't, and I'm such a bitch for-- for not even thinking about you! I can't take those words back!" And it feels as if his stomach is hollowed out as he sobs sharply.

"Marvin--" Whizzer reaches out to hold Marvin's face in his hands, wiping away the tears. It's usually Marvin who holds him, after breakdowns, after episodes, but it's so much deeper when it's the other way around.

"Marvin. I know you didn't mean it, and baby I could never walk out again. All I thought of was you." He whimpers, smiling wetly through his tears.

Marvin chuckles breathlessly, and takes Whizzer's face gently, kissing him softly.

A kiss is a million words bundled into a simple touch, it's indescribable, and they both feel at home whenever their lips meet. It's grounding, it's so important. It's not fireworks, like rumoured, but it's an overwhelming mountain of emotions.

"Hey," Whizzer whispers when they break apart, "How about we move to the bed just cuddle?"

"Oh, you know me so well."

So, Whizzer falls asleep to Marvin drawing patterns on his shoulder, his arms securely around Whizzer's shoulder, and Whizzer's arms around his lower torso. He presses a final kiss to Whizzer's (soft, very) soft hair, and lets sleep take him.

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