i caught them in the den // m x w

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"C'mon... C'mon..."

Marvin's leg bounced in anticipation as he waited for Whizzer to arrive. His wife was out for the time being, something about a coffee shop meeting with Jason's school friends' parents Marvin couldn't give two shits about. He just wanted to get Whizzer over here as soon as he could. He was itching to--

A loud knock, followed by a series of equally violent doorbell rings bounced off the walls of his and Trina's house. He scrambled up, flinging the door open.

"Christ almighty!" He exclaimed, dragging the man in by the arm. "Way to let the neighbours know!"

"Alright, Marvie, calm it would you?" He sauntered over to the shorter man, placing a hand on his (dreadful, might he add,) tie, slowly undoing the knot. "Anyway," He sighs, "I'm here now. How long is she out for?"

"I'd say a good two hours," His words turned from normal to a low grumble in his throat, sending chills down Whizzer's spine, "You wanna speed up on that tie?" He says with a smirk.

"Make me." He growled, pulling Marvin only inches away by said tie.

And that's what it took for Marvin to hoist Whizzer up by his legs, the latter wrapping his legs round Marvin's waist. Their kisses turned more and more vigorous as shirts and belt were removed. Marvin moves Whizzer over to their sofa, and pinned him down, the taller man responding with a small yelp, which quickly turned into a smirk. 

"Wait here." Marvin said, before running off to grab some lube from their bedroom drawer. When he came back, Marvin quickly got to work unbuttoning the first buttons on Whizzer's shirt, and tore through the rest, sending buttons scattering against the carpeted floor. He begun quickly unbuttoning his pants, along with his own.

Once boxers had ben tossed aside, Whizzer got himself in position, Marvin following.

He covered his fingers in lube, and pressed one into Whizzer's entrance, which he was rewarded with a whine. He pumped in and out, angling to see where he'd shiver or arch his back.

"Marviee-- Another, Marvin, c'mon!" To which Marvin responded with another finger, making Whizzer groan. Each noise he makes only sent more blood down to Marvin's cock. After pumping for a while, he added a third.

"Marv! Unh, Marvin-- L-Let's go, I-I'm ready for it, c'mon." He begged, and Marvin turned his over so Whizzer was on his back.

"Right," he slicked up his dick, "Ready?"


He slid in, and pleasure flooded through him. He grabbed Whizzer's waist, and begun a rhythm of thrusts, angles and all, and Whizzer was writhing underneath him, moaning and panting. Every time he'd hit that one spot, Whizzer would cry out, cheeks red and lips pink. He changed it so Whizzer was on his hands and knees on their (surprisingly large,) sofa.

"H-Holy fu-uck--" Whizzer breathlessly groaned, and Marvin pulled him up to kiss him, threading a hand through Whizzer's hair.

"W-Whizz-- Y-You're - shit - You're so good--"

You see, Whizzer loves being told he's good at anything, not just sex. Sometimes, if he'd ever come over for dinner (which they made sure was basically never,) Marvin would always say whenever he'd cook that Whizzer's food was so good, this is amazing, always causing there to be a commotion later in their upstairs bathroom. Of course, poor Trina would feel like later on her food wasn't as good, although she tried. Lord, did she try. She is trying so hard to please Marvin ever since Whizzer turned up, even before that. But he never showed anything, to anyone, until he arrived.

Marvin began stroking Whizzer off roughly in time with his thrusts.

"O-Oh god-- Marvin, I-I'm--"

"Me too. Oh f-fuck Whizzer you're so goo--"

Suddenly, in their small den, a light flickered on, stopping Marvin dead in his tracks. Whizzer groaned from under him.

"Marvie, wh--"

They both slowly turned their heads towards the distraction.

"... Oh my god!"

Trina, poor, poor Trina, stood mortified in the doorway, quick to cover an equally mortified Jason's eyes. Looking straight at her husband fucking another man, his hand over the other man's dick. She seemed a little slumped against the door, clinging with one hand as if she'd collapse if she didn't.

Whizzer, the little shit, couldn't seem to hold it, and he came, right there. infront of Trina.

"Sorry." He gasped.

Marvin pulled out, quick to pick up the boxers and pants on their floor, "T-Trina-- honey, I can--"

"No," She cut him off with a sharp, clipped tone, making both men wince, "No. You can't, and you won't. Jason, honey, go upstairs. Your father and I have to talk."

Jason padded up the stairs, and as soon as his bedroom door was shut, Trina coldly stated,

"I want this sofa, and that man, out of our house. Jason is to go nowhere near that-- that thing," Said thing she pointed to was their sofa, covered in... well, you know, "If my life depends on it."

She went into their kitchen, an embarrassed Marvin in tow.

"Trina. Why are you home?"

"I forgot my card," She mumbled, face blank of any emotion. She turned around to face him with an expression of hatred, "I don't care about any excuses you have, I don't care about the bastards you bring home. Just don't do it here. I don't want ou-- my son being-- being influenced by this." And with that, she grabbed her purse and went upstairs to get Jason. The look on his face when he came down was indescribable. Hatred, maybe? Confusion? She turned to leave, stopping at the door.

"And I want you out by Sunday. Alright?"

"Trina," Marvin sighed, "You don't ha--"


She slammed the door shut in her wake, rattling the windows and photos hung on their cream walls.

Marvin went through to where Whizzer was, and he was nowhere to be seen. The only remains were his shirt buttons scattered everywhere.


The trees seemed to still as Marvin walked down the path, as if they knew how guilty he was, the moon singling him out in the dark street of New York. He knocked on the door he knew all too well.

A disheveled Whizzer threw it open, and his expression only softened when he saw Marvin.

"Got room for me in there?"

"Of course."

i wrote this while camping. djsjsj sorry for takin a while,, here you go.

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