2:35am // m x w

609 12 18

this is a bit of a vent?? i'm sorry all i do is bring the mood down--

The clock on his cracked, sunset yellow wall read 2:35am as Whizzer tossed and turned, a cold sweat settling on his exposed chest and legs. His hair was tousled, and from Marvin's room across the hall he could hear him chatting to classmates about the latest assessment. So, he just laid there, placed his hands over his eyes, and let warm tears slide down his reddened cheeks.

His lip quivered, sobs on the verge of spilling over, causing a scene.

He gave up on the ever-so-sickening loom of slumber which refused to agree with him, so he dragged his hazy mind, tears still falling down his face, and he quietly trudged to their shared kitchen in their small apartment.

He slumped over on the table, finally agreeing to let the sobs rack his thin frame, each breath thick and gasping, his head going eighty an hour with no actual direction or sense. He'd been feeling down all day, not being being able to shake the looming cloud of dark, deep thoughts he'd rather save for another day.


He didn't realise his hands were tangled up in his damp hair until Marvin took them out and held them gently. He moved so his gaze shifted from the coffee table to Marvin's blue eyes, which only triggered his sadness more. His gaze was so soft and confused, sending Whizzer over the edge.

"I-I'm so-orry, I don't k-know what's w-wrong wi-ith me." He said between sobs, and all Marvin could do was hold him close and run a hand through his hair.

"Hey. Nothing's wrong with you. Everyone has moments, not everybody's happy all the time unless you're a game show host."

Whizzer gave a small, watery chuckle at the comment, before grasping Marvin closer, burying his head in the crook of his neck. Marvin was tracing relaxing lines down Whizzer's back, then up, down, up... Which he knew was a breathing technique he had taught Whizzer a while back. He followed, taking in the scent of home, the scent of Marvin.

"I love you."

He let the last tears fall onto Marvin's white shirt, promising to apologise once his brain had clicked back into place.

"I love you too."

Whizzer pulls away, scrubbing at his swimming, red-rimmed eyes with the knuckles of his hand, being careful not to hurt himself. He sniffed as Marvin smoothed out his lovers soft, wavy hair.

"You want pancakes?"

"Would I say no?"

Marvin gave a chuckle, and went over to their bottle-green stove to grab a pan and mixture.

"What's with the assessment, then?"

And Marvin launched into a long, detailed conversation about his partners and how he hated one particular person, Charlii, putting in the amusing comment "The fuckers taking an unneeded i. He doesn't need it!" Making Whizzer almost fall over from laughter.

After laughs, amazing smells from the stove and exchanged comments, Marvin slid a plate of chocolate chip, whipped cream on top, can't forget, pancakes, all stacked perfectly on top of one another. What came with said pancakes was a small note and a kiss.

The note read:
everyone has days where they need a break, i'm always here baby. i love you. <3

Whizzer almost began crying again, and he exchanged a bleary glance with Marvin, who wasn't focused on the pancakes, but the man infront of him.

"God Marv, what'd I do to deserve you?"

They ate pancakes, and sat on their balcony with pints of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream in their grasps until the sun peaked above the ever-lighting horizon, blankets wrapped around each other, kisses and giggles exchanged.

Sure, Whizzer would be feeling shitty for a long time, but he had Marvin.

And that's all he needed.

can i just say that when people trace patterns and shit on my back it's so nice like holy fuck--

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