dance with me? // w x m

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it was when marvin tried to shove on the stiff shoes , that he regretted signing up to this shitty class in the first place. he swallowed down his spite , and made his way over to the other members.

"alright ! everyone , welcome to the class of 201B , i'm mr collins , and i want you to pick a partner and try and strike up a conversation , eh ?"

marvin swerved around , already making his way to the exit door , when a swift arm blocked his way.

"hey , you can't leave already , huh ?"

he looked at the man who was blocking him with a scowl , eyebrows knitted together.

this man was tall , and had brown hair which fell over his brown eyes. he had a small pout on his face , as if he was
aski — no , begging marvin to stay.

somehow , that adorable pout won marvin over.

"fine." he growled , walking back over with the handsome man.

"so , what's your name ?"

"marvin cohen. and you?"

"whizzer brown."

marvin stifled a laugh.

"whizzer ? what kind of name is that ?"

"no idea. what kind of name is marvin ?"

that shut cohen up.

they made it back to the group , and whizzer gave him a side glance and a small smile. he felt his heart flutter , but he forgot about it.

then came the actual dancing.

"find partners and run through what's on the board !"

fuckity fuck.

he looked around at everyone who seemed to get into pairs , except for—

"marvie ! let's work together !"


"whizz , i can't dance."

"then why did you sign up ?"

why did he sign up ? there was no point, he didn't care about dancing all that much, but was it just something to do? he used to dance, back in high school, and even be in plays. yet he only did it all to impress —

no. he swore never to think of the horrid things he did to her ever again.

her poor face when he pulled those glasses off of her. the trembling of the lip, the cheeks flushing. but he was blinded by pure ecstasy of finally getting what he wanted, yet it wasn't.

god how he scarred her.

"jus... somethin to do, i guess."

whizzer set marvin up into the position intended for the routine, and they began to dance.

"lead, marvin. you're not leading."
"i'm not?"

he shuffled while whizzer glided.

"over to the left, marv."
"foot farther back."
"you're slumping, marvin!"

by the end of it, they were both doubled over in laughter over the fact that marvin could not dance to save his life.

"that's class up. i'll see you next week?"
"see you then."

he wouldn't have come back to the class if it wasn't for how whizzers ass moved in those gym pants.


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