distance and dreams // m x w

392 12 11

From the second Whizzer woke up, with the clock reading 5:15am, he knew it would be one of those days.

He already felt unreal, like he wasn't him, his sensory overload already fizzing up in his spluttering mess of a brain. The only thing grounding him was Marvin's arms around his waist, his nose buried in the crook of Whizzer's neck.

His limbs felt like solid led, heavy and sinking into the bed beneath him, and his head was too much for him to handle. He stroked Marvin's arm, and couldn't feel the smooth hairs under his rough fingers, making him wince. He breathed out heavily, which only, somehow, made his head spin even more.

"Fuck." He murmured, "Fuck, shit, goddamnit."

Marvin only shifts his arms for a small second, and that makes Whizzer shift out of himself, you could say. His heart begins to race, and it's like the earth has shifted on its axis. Like someone grabbed his brain and shook it, and placed it back in his head.

"No--" He rasps out, pleading, desperate, and makes a move to grab Marvin's arms (but his limbs are too heavy, so he can't.) But his attempt shakes the bed ever so gently, yet Marvin stirs awake.

"Mh, Whizzer?" His voice is low, and grumbles through the other boy.

"S-Sorry, Marv, go back to bed." His voice shakes, giving him away as a tear slips down his cheek.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"Nothing." He chokes out, rubbing at his swimming eyes with his palms.

"Hun, you're trembling." And he didn't realise until Marvin pointed it out, and he'd rather he didn't.

"Right. I'll be right back." And Marvin's arms slip off his waist, and he's suddenly left in the deep end to drown, in a battle with no weapons, and he's whimpering strings of "no, no Marv-- wait, wait I c-ca--" Until Marvin is around him again, except he's in front, not behind.

"I'm here baby. Nothing is gonna happen to you." He's threaded a hand into Whizzer's brown locks, softly stroking his hair.

"Is it an episode again?"

Whizzer can only nod, not trusting his voice, and uses all his strength to lift his head to rest in between Marvin's shoulder and neck.

"I can't feel you. Marvin, I-I can't--" He trails off into heaving breaths, trying to steady himself against the bed. Marvin kisses his hair, once, twice, over and over, letting Whizzer know he's still there. The overload flooding his senses is still there, and he can only wince at his pathetic attempt to lift his heavy arms to rest around Marvin's neck.

The other boy must grab the memo, because he gently holds Whizzer's arms, and drapes them around his own neck. Whizzer can tighten his grip, tears slipping out of his eyes, squeezed shut and sore.

"Thank y-you." He gasps out, pressing a gentle kiss to Marvin's neck, "I love you."

"I love you too. I'm always gonna be here. I promise." And sensory overload be damned, Marvin's voice will never, ever be too loud for him.

He knows he can only ride it out, he's had ones both shorter and longer than this episode, he can only pray it's the former for this certain one.

After a while, the buzzing dies down enough for him to shift up, an explosion of tingles and pins rushing through his veins and limbs, and nuzzles closer to Marvin.

Through the haze, the needles, the pins, he feels Marvin. He feels his rough palms, his stubble against his tingling fingers. And he smiles as tears brim his eyes because he can feels his Marvin again. The man he loves with all his heart and soul, and he can feel him again.

While, yes, his head is still spinning, and he doesn't feel as real as yesterday, that doesn't mean he isn't happy enough with having Marvin cuddling him. With having Marvin just be with him.

He reaches up, and fiddles with the hair on the name of Marvin's neck as he presses his lips to his lovers. No matter how many times they kiss, it'll never get old, the static will never die down.

"God baby," He murmurs when he pulls away, "What would I do without you?"

"You'll never have to worry, because I'm not going anywhere." Marvin reassures him, dragging a hand lightly up and down his back.

"A shorter episode?" Marvin guesses, pressing a kiss to Whizzer's cheek.

"Mhm. And you were still there." He mutters, basking in the love that Marvin is giving him.

"Of course I was. I love you." Thunder begins to distantly roll against the thick clouds, rain partnering against their window as they hold each other close.

"I know I say it all the time, but I do. You're so beautiful, and I don't even know where I'd be without you. Your smile, your eyes, your, well, everything just... Makes me such a different person. You make my heart beat 100 miles an hour, and I can't get over myself whenever I look at you. When we kiss, I swear it never seems to get old."

Whizzer's eyes are glossed over with tears, as he looks at his lover.

"M-Marvie--" He whimpers, and collapses into his lovers chest, trying to hide his tears, making Marvin giggle.

"Whizz, baby, are you crying?" Marvin teases, lifting Whizzer's chin to see his boyfriends face. He kisses away the tears, and Whizzer laughs lightly.

And if Whizzer was to kiss Marvin back, and Marvin didn't oblige, that was no ones business but their own.

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