winter lovers // m x w

478 13 4

The glow of the bold moon crept through the sickly white curtains and spilt lazily onto Whizzer's bed. His hair was a tousled mess, hidden under a thick blue duvet, along with another mop of untameable curls. The chilling January breeze flowed easily through his open window, exploring his room as he felt a shiver wriggle down his spine. Without actually thinking, he shuffled over to the other body for warmth, wrapping his arms around the shorter man's torso.

"Mmh... Whizz?" The body slurred, yet not leaning away from his touch.

His mind was still hazy from sleep, trying to recall what had gone on.

("Whizzer, I--"

"You can stay at mine, but keep in mind I don't do relationships." He'd winked cheekily, making the other man blush.

"R-Relationships--? I do--"

"Jesus, Marvin, calm down.")


The realisation set in his stomach like a vice, but he thought not to move. Marvin had been on his mind a lot lately, come to think of it. His smile, hair, and his overall personality.

"It's 6:15, I have classes in an hour, please, go back to bed." He slurred, voice thick with exhaustion.


His grip only tightened around Marvin's waist.


Without thinking, he buried his face in the crook of Marvin's neck, his breath sending trails of goosebumps down the other boys spine.

"Don't leave."

Whizzer's voice was so small, so vulnerable, it made Marvin's heart swell. He turned over, and wrapped his arm around Whizzer's back, and let one hand trail up to the hair falling in his forehead. Both their eyes were barely open, but it didn't stop them from looking at each other with soft admiration.

"Hey. I'm not going anywhere. Well, apart from class--"

"Not even class." Whizzer huffed, puffing his cheeks out, making Marvin laugh.

"I have to. My attendance is like, Kevin level shit," Whizzer chuckled at the comment. "But I've only got one class, then I can come back."

Marvin turned them so he was the big spoon, giving both of them immediate warmth because of their bodily heat.

"Is this-- Is this okay?"

"Of course." Whizzer murmured against the pillow, smiling softly when he felt Marvin play with his hair.

"I've wanted this, you, for so long, I didn't know if I could ever get over you," He mumbled, making Marvin perk up. "But I didn't know how to tell you. I had it planned out. I even made a fucking flowchart, I was so ready for you to just-- never speak to me again."

"Whizzer, I would never not speak to you over something like that. Hell, I've been in a similar position for about two months now. Why do you think I've been buying you so much chocolate? Since valentines is coming up, and I know I would've forgotten without telling you, I've been reminding myself by buying it for you because goddamnit Whizzer, I love you."

Those three words clanged around his head.

He loves you. He fucking loves you goddamnit.

A breathless laugh left his lips, then another. His mattress squeaked with them. His cheeks grew hot, and it took him a while to realise he wasn't laughing, but crying.

"Fuck-- I didn't mean to make you cry--"

"No!" He choked out, turning to face Marvin. "I just-- wow," He ran a hand down his face.

"You love me."

Marvin seemed to still, then he began to laugh. He pressed gentle kisses to where Whizzer's tears had fallen.

"Marv, this will only make me cry harder."

"Then I'll kiss em away again, won't I?"

"Oh, you fucking sap."

They were both laughing now, breathless and giddy. Marvin pressed kisses from his collarbone, up to his neck, his jawline - each kiss feeling like static on the brown eyed boys skin - and finally, his lips. This kiss lasted, it was soft, sweet, and made Whizzer almost melt into the bed. Once they pulled apart, Whizzer pressed at the little patch of fat on Marvin's lower abdomen.

"Look at this, and it's all mine."

"Whizzer, please--" He chuckled, trying to pry away his lovers hands, but to no avail.

"What? Am I not allowed to just, I dunno, tell my boyfriend how beautiful he is?"

He stilled at the name. Boyfriend.

"Hm, I dunno, are you?" He teased, smiling softly at Whizzer.

"Psh, come here--" He mumbled playfully, grabbing Marvin's waist and pulling him in for a kiss. Marvin ran his hands up and down Whizzer's back, making the other boy shiver.

"Oh my god, if you're gonna do that to me, you better expect me to cling to you like a fucking koala."

"I'm not complaining. Now, c'mon, I have to go to classes later."

"Ugh, fine." He murmured, turning so he was the little spoon again. He managed to doze off to Marvin stroking his hair.


Snow fell gently to the ground, hugging to surfaces and trees, coating them in white layers of ice. The sun had now come up, indicating it was around eight am.

Whizzer stirred, eyes adjusting to the harsh light of morning. It wasn't until he tried to stretch out that he realised Marvin's arms were still protectively around his waist.

He'd missed class for him.

"You're late for class."

"Hm... I guess I am. But I'll just say to my teacher that my boyfriend made me stay." He pressed a warm kiss to Whizzer's neck, making him hum contently.

Yeah, he could get used to this.

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