seniors // tkf

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idea of them all travelling in cordelias car taken from sarahistrying !! go read her stuff it's amazing!!! also, tell me if you want another part!! thanks, enjoy!!!

tw: mentions of suicide. stay safe guys.


marvin woke up to the blinding sunlight creeping through the thin gap in his curtains. he groaned lightly, dipping his tousled curls under the thin, cheap satin sheets. his bare legs brushed the soft fabric of his bedsheets, eyes relaxing from the squint they previously held.

he was about to lull off again, breathing deeply, until the sheets were ripped off him.


the sunlight hit him hard, curtains now fully open, as he scrambled up from his previous position. (which, by the way, made him look like he just fell from the third floor.) he reached for the pillow behind him to cover his... well, area as his mother cackled with shock.

"ma! for fucks sake! you know i don't--"

"christ, marv, calm down, i'm your mother, i pushed you out of my--"

"alright! that's enough!"

this only made his mother laugh harder. she turned around, and chucked a pair of boxers at him, and made to leave.

stopping at the door, she stated,
"now hurry up. you're going to miss your ride."

school. senior year.


he lept up, pulling the boxers on, and a t-shirt over his head. when his head re-appeared, he threw about numerous books and papers in search for his glasses. he hissed in annoyance as he fumbled around, tripping on his feet in the process. he threw on some jeans, snatching up his backpack, and dashed down the stairs.

a loud, continuous car horn could now be heard, ringing through his neighbourhood. he grabbed up some toast, his mother handed him his glasses, and he almost lept into the blonde's vehicle.

"will you shut it now?!" he hissed, smacking her lightly on the arm.

trina was sat in the back, earbuds in, reading a libretto of whichever musical she seemed to be into these days. it was a new one every week. mendel was sat in the front of the silver SUV that was littered with stickers and quotes, going over some french with cordelia, which marvin decided to block out completely. charlotte was situated in the middle, akin to trina, but she was reading a spanish textbook, not a libretto. finally, whizzer was sat next to the window, next to charlotte and an empty seat, also with earbuds.

they began to drive, chucking marvin into a seat rather harshly. he let out a small "shit!" as he hit the seat, and whizzer began to laugh, making him grin.

"whatcha listening to?"

he handed marvin an earbud, and the latter welcomed the familiar tune of "honky cat" by Elton John. he leaned into the music, finishing his breakfast. whizzer tapped an alternate drum rhythm with his slender fingers, doodles littering his hand. marvin sung along, whizzer joining in not seconds later.

after various hand gestures and loud singing, they arrived at school. they piled out the vehicle, and stride through the gates.

the six of them looked almost mismatched. trina, with english as her major, mendel with his major in psychiatric studies, charlotte with her major in medicine, cordelia with culinary, marvin with law and whizzer with photography. they all had different hobbies, but yet all managed to slot together like puzzle pieces.


lunch rolled around quicker than expected, the six of them conversing or complaining about teachers.

"fucking Robertson. who the fuck cares if you write your dates shortened?! fucking--"

"alright! we get it, you're angry, but jesus marvin, calm down!" cordelia hushed the boy who was spitting profanities about his 60 year old teacher. he only grumbled in return and resumed eating his chicken wrap, another of whizzers earbuds in, crocodile rock blaring into his right ear.

whizzer, however, was helping charlotte, murmuring things like "no no, it's la, not le." or "you missed an a there, char." he patted her on the arm, making marvin's stomach churn with jealousy.

why? don't ask him. he'd kill for whizzer to even brush against him, it would still make his cheeks burn and heart race, but he couldn't stand seeing him touch someone else. he shook his head out of it, trying to get over himself, but his glasses came flying off. they bumped against whizzers arm, who chuckled and picked them up, placing them gently on his face.

marvin felt extremely hot, eyes wide open and mouth akin to a fish, as his palms sweat. whizzer seemed to have a certain look in his eye as he fixed them into place onto marvin's nose.

why didn't he let go?

"what the fuck are you two doing?"

they both lept away from each other, earbuds ripping out in the process, making them both wince. they stumbled to put them back in, letting the music distract them from what just happened.


the day had ended, and they were on a call. marvin lay sprawled out on his bed, notes of algebra and other math surrounding him like an ocean. the rain pattered on the window almost rhythmically. he had a sudden wave of an unknown emotion wash over him, making his eyes mist.

not this again.

"ma needs met, give me a second." his voice wavered, but no one noticed.

they never do. the voice in the back of his head whispered, bringing a dark cloud across his aching head.

he moved from his bed to the desk next to his window. he moved it so he could sit in the windowsill, sliding the window open.

he put his headphones in, blasting rocket man loudly through his head. he slipped his eyes shut, letting the music take him.

it was a dip. he got them a lot. another effect of depression. what do you expect when his dad has gone out at three in the morning to jump of a bridge?

he wondered what is was like, to forget what you had. he understood that the darkness clouded his poor, poor fathers mind, blocking any rational thoughts or ways out, only the tunnel vision of death. but he didn't think about marvin? or william? emmet? his mother?

the rain increased, soaking his face beyond repair. his hair was in knots, untameable.

was it tears or rain on his cheeks?

he felt out of control, like he wasn't present in himself. he felt like he was underwater, unable to breathe properly. his hands weren't his, nor was his brain. deceiving him, taking him back to that dark, disgusting place.

he grabbed a hoodie near him, the soft fabric coaxing his brain back to the ground. he felt it. thank god he felt it. his heart calmed down, making his breathing follow. the music slowly came back, and so did the buzzing of his phone.

you okay?
it's been ten minutes, i don't wanna pry.
my mom is making flapjacks on saturday, idk if u wanted to come. :))
i hope you're doing okay. again, not around to pry.

marvin laughed breathlessly through his tears, shaking his head slightly. he slid off his window, beginning to close it, but deciding against it, letting the rain in. it wouldn't cause any harm. he ran his hands through his wet hair, frizzing it ever so slightly.

he slumped on his bed, moving the papers to his desk. glancing at the clock.


he was tired, he could admit. he accepted slumber with great admiration, throwing his clothes off, shutting off his phone, earbuds still in, and letting sleep take him, -"9'g with the swaying yet sturdy rhythm of rocketman, a single thought rushing through his brain.

they care.

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