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Twelve Years Ago

(Your P.O.V)

Mother came into me and Riku's playroom and told me that Kyoya was coming over and we were both excited. I quickly got up nearly falling flat on my face, but I caught myself and changed out of my pajamas that I was still in. I changed into a light blue knee length dress with a white ribbon around my waist, I had on white tights and black Mary Jane's. The maid came in and put my hair into a low ponytail and used a ribbon in a dark purple shade that Kyoya got me to remember him.

About twenty minutes later Kyoya came and there I saw his Father with him, I knew it was his Father because of the glare he gave off. Kyoya wasn't himself either in fact that it was his cold persona that he uses around his Father. "Please come in Yoshiro, I believe that Katzuki wanted to speak with you." Mother said and both Mr. Ootori and Kyoya walk past me and Riku and I look into Kyoya's brownish-grey eyes that I always love staring into and only thing I could see was sadness in them and the only thing he spoke to me was "I'm sorry."

Time seemed to pass and I sat down by the entrance to Mother and Father's side of the manor, a side neither me or Riku are allowed to cross. Then the four came out of that area and I looked at them only to lose all hope I had in my heart. "Rin, Riku due to a disagreement between me and Mr. Ootori we decided that you two won't be around Kyoya anymore. Me and Mr. Ootori are still going to work together but until we decide on something different with you three you won't be around each other anymore." Father announced and I felt my eyes water and I look at Kyoya who couldn't even look at me.

Riku seemed to be fine with it but I wasn't so I tried to run over to Kyoya and hold him tightly, only to be held back by Riku and I silently bawl into tears as they all walk away. 'Please Kyoya don't leave... I can't lose you...!!'

Authors opinion: Hello readers this is the first chapter of our new story, this one is different so far right? I know that I did a Kyoya story long time ago like I believed it ended in I don't remember but the point is that this is going to be the new story, I do hope you like it and I want you all to know that this whole chapter will be explained in later time. So until the next time bye

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