Chapter Fifteen

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(Your P.O.V)

It's been twelve years since we graduated from Ouran Academy, life has been good for us. Me and Kyoya got married after college and then he got the family company like he wanted all his life, the two of us work hard to make sure things are running smoothly. Couple years after we got married we had our son Shiro, he was a rough pregnancy since he was born prematurely and had a high chance of not making it but he did and we were happy. He had my hair color but Kyoya's hair type, along with Kyoya's eyes and skin tone. We were worried that he would be born we a birth defect since he was a preemie baby but nothing was wrong. Our second pregnancy was much less painful, I was closely monitored with the second child but I knew it was to make sure they would grow up alright, in the end we had our daughter Yuri. She had Kyoya's hair color but my hair type, she had my eye color and skin tone but unlike her older brother she was born blind.

After Yuri was born Kyoya had me stop working with him to run the company and focus on helping Yuri, he would come to me with thing's he needed help with but I was mostly hands off. I didn't mind being home with the kids, in fact I was close to them and Kyoya was too but not as close as me. Shiro loves helping his little sister around the house, it reminded me of me and Riku when I thought I was a mute. After my surgery I was able to speak again and I was glad since it would be difficult for me to help Yuri without my words.

Tamaki and Riku ended up marrying straight after High School, and they didn't invite us since they were eloping. Apparently Tamaki's Grandmother was going to have him marry some random girl but he got hitched before it happened, it was so shocking that his Grandmother died from the shock and I think they were happy when we heard the news. They actually rescued a pair of twins from the streets in France when they went a couple years ago, they were well behaved and I was happy for the two. Tamaki took over Ouran Academy as the chairman and he thankfully changed the uniforms for the High School and they look much better.

Seina and Yasuchika got married a few months ago and are already expecting their first born, to say that they're scared is an understatement. They already have their place babyproof and they are worried that they won't be good parents, but I always reassured them that they'll be fine. Seina became a writer so she's always at home unless talking to her publisher at the office, Yasuchika actually partnered up with his cousin Satosh, who was Mori-Senpai's little brother and now both own a dojo.

Honey-Senpai became head of his family and took over the family dojo, he had a major growth spurt during college and he was almost as tall as Riku. He got married to a girl from the Black Magic Club, those two were so adorable at their wedding when we went. They have a daughter around the same age as Yuri named Ami and she looked just like Honey-Senpai and inherited his sweet tooth.

Mori-Senpai was similar to Honey-Senpai, he became head of his family and took over the family business. Unlike Honey-Senpai he isn't married yet, although he has a son the same age as Ami and Yuri and his name is Yuno. His previous girlfriend left his son after she dumped him for some older rich guy, he hates his son's Mother but loves his son so he's happy.

Hikaru and Kaoru parted for the first time in all their lives during college, Hikaru went into the computer business and took over his Father's company while Kaoru went into the fashion business and took over his Mother's company. Each got married and both have twins of their own, Hikaru's twins are the only a year younger than Kaoru's twins. However I know that those three are going to be handfuls like their Dads.

As for Haruhi, well she has been quiet for a while. She went to law school and after graduation she went off the face of the planet until a couple years ago when she showed up with her son Sebastian. She had gone to England after college and there she had met her husband and settled down there but she returned to Japan after her husband died of breast cancer. Now she has her own law firm and is living with Kyoya and me, the kids love hanging with their cousin.

Life for us has been amazing all these years and I don't regret it, I was glad that I went home to my abusive Father and found Kyoya or else I wouldn't have found my family and I love them very much.

Authors opinion: Hello everyone this is the final chapter, I realized that I wrote the last chapter a bit ago but I went straight to work with this one and I didn't even think that I would be done this quickly. The new story will be published soon so don't worry, while I was working on this I was planning out some parts of this and I hope this will be good for you guys. You will also notice a pattern of my books but that's my fault, those series I know the best so anyway I better go and until the next story bye

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