Chapter Three

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(Your P.O.V)

Classes were normal except for a special class the school is making us do, it was for our final project for the school year but they want to get it over and done with. The project was to raise an egg to when it hatches and then raise the chick to it's full grown form, we also don't know what type of bird we might get, the teacher said that most of them are duck eggs and two of them is a swan egg so it's random who gets what. We have to be paired up with someone else in the class and this was going to be interesting. The pair's were named off one by one, Riku got paired up with Tamaki so this would be interesting to be honest as for my partner it was well. "Rin and Kyoya, you two are our final pair." The teacher said and people began whispering about this and I hid my face with my hands.

Since me and Kyoya were the final pair went to grab our egg but we saw there were two eggs and I signed to Kyoya about something and he liked the idea. "Is it alright that we raise the two remaining eggs, could be more of a challenge to raise two." Kyoya asked the teacher and he nodded and we both took one egg, I had a feeling I knew what our eggs were. When I was living with Grandmother and Grandfather, the two taught me and Riku to distinguish the differences in bird eggs and I knew that the two we had were swan eggs. Everyone else picked the ones that looked the prettiest which weren't ours. Class ended and I grabbed my bag and one of the eggs and Kyoya had the other, I honestly felt like a Mom and I was happy and so I followed Kyoya to the Host Club and Riku was behind us.

Today we were doing the performances for the Host Club, today it was just my performance since Riku had to watch his egg while I have Kyoya watching ours. 'Kyoya would be a good Dad one day.' I thought in my head, I shook the thought from my head and went to the grand white piano and I smiled as my hands ran over the ivories. The songs I was to perform were duet's so I couldn't play them so I was using the song's I wrote myself for the piano. Once my fingers gently hit the keys, all the surroundings disappeared and I focused on the song and hearing every note being played.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

I was working on the club's budget while keeping an eye on our eggs when I heard Rin starting to play a song, but it wasn't one of the songs we picked out and I saw that Riku was watching his egg. I lifted my head and stared at her figure, her back was straighter and her chest was puffed and as I watched her fingers hit each key on the piano it was almost hypnotzing but in a good way. This song was happy and cheerful, but there was a tone that many didn't notice playing in the background and it was a sad tone. The song had a happy front but a sad undertone and it clashed wonderfully, I didn't even notice Rin was crying until she hit the keys hard creating a loud boom sound.

By that point people were quiet and nobody was hosting, we were all watching Rin pour her heart and soul into that sound and into the song as a whole and I looked over at Riku and he was smiling. 'Why would he smile when we're all almost or are in tears?' I questioned in my head and I looked over and Rin then got the song into a more happier tone and people were no longer crying as was I. By that point she was finished and we all clapped at her performance, she was bright red and I may have made it worse. "Thank you for playing us that song Songbird." I complimented while holding a purple rose and she was redder than a red rose and she took the flower and went back to the music and I went back to the finances and babysitting the eggs.

Club ended with us making a lot more money than we ever have, and it was all thanks to Rin for her music. "Good job Rin we appreciate you doing this, with the music people are spending more than normal and that's giving us more wiggle room in the budget. Keep it up and we might even start paying you to keep playing." I told her and she smiled and nodded, then we were about to leave but then I realized something. "Who's going to watch the eggs, we can't leave them here overnight for they might die to lack of central heat." I said to the three of them and Rin signed a plan and I agreed to it. "Then it's settled, Tamaki won't be getting to see his egg until morning since he might break due to how much of a clutz he is. Me and Rin will alternate between watching them for a night, so tonight is Rin's turn." I explained and Tamaki looked offended and I sighed in annoyance while Rin was ecstatic as was I. This whole project was about communication between people and since many of us were going to be CEOs of our parents companies we had to know how to work with others.

I walked with Rin to her limo and helped her get inside then passed our egg's to her and she held them tightly, I also gave her a slip of paper and hopefully she reads it later. I left her car and walked to mine and headed home for the evening, but when I arrived there it was interesting to be honest. Fuyumi was standing outside waiting for me and I could tell that something was wrong, she had a look on her face that told me that. "Kyoya follow me, Father has requested that you speak with him." Fuyumi said and I was glad I let Rin take home the eggs, I would've broken them by being near Father.

Fuyumi and I walked to Father's study and there Akito, Yuuichi and someone I don't know was there. "Kyoya please have a seat, what we need to discuss is something that cannot leave this room." Father said and I nodded and sat down, my bag was on my lap and I paid close attention. Especially after I was given a file with a giant classified stamp on it and I opened it and what I was a very familiar face, Rin's gorgeous face. Then what I heard after I looked at the file was shocking, and I was pissed off that something like that happened to the girl and yet we can't do anything to fix it. "Kyoya since you're friends with Miss Higashiro, I hope you can help her. Not outright helping her, but in the shadows which is what you do best." Father said and I nodded instantly, Rin was my best friend and I haven't been near her until recently and I won't let her suffer anymore.

Authors opinion: Hello guys how was your day, I know that I wrote and posted a chapter earlier but I don't care. This chapter it's just fluff and plot added for the story, you might be wondering what she needs help with but that will be mentioned throughout the story and is the main plot of sorts. I also need to redo the description and I think I know what I'll out down for it, but that is for a later time and so until the next time bye

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