Chapter Thirteen

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(Kyoya P.O.V)

When I had arrived home I immediately asked the maid if my Father was available to speak, she told me that he was almost done with his meeting with one of the investors and will speak to me when he gets a chance. There was another reason we needed to save them, my Father has been wanting to buy Higashiro Pharmaceuticals for years and we were close too at one point. However when the deal was nearly completed Rin's Father took over the company and we lost the deal, the plan is to have him arrested and we buy the company out when he is forced to step down and sell the company.

Father then summoned me to his office and I gathered every piece of evidence I had and went to his office, when I got in there I closed the door quickly and he was quiet. "Kyoya why have you requested to speak to me?" He asked me and I handed him all the evidence and he was confused. "That's evidence to arrest Katzuki and Eina Higashiro, I have also spoken to our spies in the mansion and they told me that he is torturing Rin, Riku, and Seina. I would like your permission to execute an order to stop him." I explained to him and he was quiet but then he stood up and called in the leader of the Black Onion force. "Yes Mr. Ootori?" He asked and my Father gave him orders that will be executed tomorrow and told me that I'll be helping them as well.

"Thank you Father, I hope we aren't too late." I said and walked out of his room and did my homework and went to bed.

The next day

(Your P.O.V)

Everything was hurting, I could barely speak or even grunt or whimper. Movement was nonexistent and parts of my hair was on the ground, as was Riku's and Seina's. "Rin you alright?" Riku whispered and I couldn't answer him, he saw that I could barely even move let alone respond so something was wrong. "Hang on a little bit longer Rin." He pleaded and I semi nodded showing a bit of life still in my body.

Then we were hearing shouts coming from somewhere and both Riku and Seina were screaming for the other's to hear us and find us. People were coming towards us and I didn't even move, the two were making enough noise to get their attention. The door then burst open and I saw a couple people run to Seina's and Riku's sides, Seina was crying and I knew who was helping her. Riku was clinging onto someone and I was there quietly waiting to be noticed, then another person came in and I saw a familiar pair of eyes and tried to move towards him but he undid my chains and I nearly collapsed from being able to move but he caught me. "I got you Babygirl, I got you." He whispered and I blinked in response, he carefully picked me up and carried me out of the room and we were quiet.

"What do you think you're doing Mr. Ootori?" A voice rang and I felt my body start shaking and tried to grasp onto Kyoya. "I'm taking these three away from you, you've been abusing them for too long and they won't be suffering here anymore." He states and I felt a bit better and yet he was laughing like a monster and I tried to hide my face. "Tamaki take Rin for me, do not let her go." Kyoya whispered and passed me to Tamaki and I was shaking still. "Nice try they won't be leaving this place, and frankly neither will you." Father said and I got scared and I saw something shine in the sunlight from the window and I knew what he was planning on doing. "Tamaki he has a knife... warn him please..." I told the blonde using my voice and he heard it and warned Kyoya in time luckily and his family police apprehended my Father and I had a small smile on my face and I blacked out.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

After the police came as well as three ambulances, Rin and them went to the hospital and I looked over at Yasuchika and he was slightly happy but he had more worry than anything else. We then changed out of our clothes and I went to the hospital and waited for any information about Rin and them, and hopefully things will get better since the main doctor that is helping them is Yuuichi. Father was there as well and he was handling the press when it came to this whole situation, I was sitting in the waiting room waiting for any news about them. Yasuchika and the other Hosts came and saw me sitting there, I tried to keep a happy face but that was almost nonexistent and Tamaki apologized for seeing her like that.

Soon Yuuichi came and gave us details about what happened to them, most of their injuries will heal within a couple weeks but one of them was scary. "I'm afraid that Rin might not be able to speak again, her vocal cords are really damaged. There might be a chance she might speak again but right now she can't, we'll keep an eye on her and see how she heals." He explained and I nodded, he then took us to where the three were. I went to Rin's side, Yasuchika went to Seina's and surprisingly Tamaki went to Riku's and I sensed that someone was hiding something from me. I kissed her forehead and held her hand as I watched her sleep in comfort to an extent. "You're now safe Babygirl I won't let him hurt you again." I softly spoke and moved hair now destroyed away from her face.

Authors opinion: Hey guys what's up, this chapter is short but this is leading to the finale of this book. I already have a new book planned out for you guys, but don't worry about that for now. Anyway this chapter is basically the rescue chapter, I know that with the hinting that she might be a permanent mute is shocking but I felt that it had fit with the story. But for now I better go and until the next time bye

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