Chapter Seven

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One Week Later

(Your P.O.V)

I looked out the window and saw the beach starting to come into view. Kyoya allowed us to go to his family's private beach in Okinawa, the twins were saying why they were there and I thought it was obvious but apparently I was wrong. They went here because Haruhi doesn't have a passport and to be honest neither do me and Riku, our Grandparents didn't want us out of the country until we were older. The limo parked in front of a mansion and I was let out, I had an overnight bag with me so I was all good for the night. Then we were allowed to change into our bathing suits, the one I picked was nice. It was a black two piece with a see through wrap around the bottom.

"Wow Rin-Senpai you're hot." Hikaru commented and I glared at him and signed which he was confused on what I called him and the word I signed was the word 'pervert'. I laid down a beach towel and after applying some sunscreen I then laid down closing my eyes and soaked up the sun. "Whoa does Rin-Senpai have a tattoo?" Someone said and I opened my eyes and I saw that the 1-A trio was looking at me. "Yep.. it is a flower." I told them and the three were shocked that I had a tattoo, in fact not even Riku knows about it. I turned my body that way I'm laying on my stomach and letting my back get some sun.

After a bit of tanning I got up and headed for the water but Honey-Senpai stopped me before I could go. "Want to find Haru-chan's fear with me?" He asked me and I looked at him and nodded, I couldn't say no to him he's way too adorable. So I helped him out, he was on my shoulders and I was like a Mother taking her child to the park. We got into a truck with Haruhi and I was confused until the door closed and I was starting to panic since it was really dark, but Honey-Senpai's crying about how scary it is made them quickly open up the door. 'Thank goodness, I was worried that they wouldn't open the door up.' I thought in my head and we walked out of the truck and I calmed Honey down.

Things went weirdly since they were trying to figure out Haruhi's fear, and yet they were able to find two of mine, fear of the dark and claustrophobia. Right now we were walking towards a cliffside, I had told Haruhi about my fear of heights and so she was holding my hand that way I don't feel scared. "Lookie here boys, we found some nice chicks here." Someone said, we all turned around and saw a couple of guys harassing some of the girls. "Leave them alone, you're trespassing on private property." Haruhi demanded and I hid behind her and the other girls were surrounding us, Haruhi told the other girls to get help and I was one of them but I was frozen.

Then two of them were grabbing Haruhi by her arms and one tried to get me but I was able to kick him in his special place causing him to fall down to the ground from the pain. "Look at this guy, his arms are string beans like a girls." The guy said and I was still scared because two guys were being creepy and I'm right by a cliff so my fear of heights was kicking in. Then as both Tamaki and Riku were coming towards us both me and Haruhi were pushed off the cliffs.

(Riku P.O.V)

Both me and Tamaki jumped off the cliff and we dove underwater, luckily I used to be a lifeguard. I found Rin and got her into my arms and swam back up, Tamaki was following behind me with Haruhi. "Nin-Nin wake up, you're fine now they won't hurt you." I softly whispered and she didn't respond so I checked her heartbeat and she was not beating so I started chest compressions. "Damn it Rin you're going to wake up and not leaving me alone." I commanded and then did mouth to mouth, to some people this would be incest but she wasn't breathing. After that she still didn't respond so I did chest compressions again and the mouth to mouth and this time she woke up and was coughing up sea water. "Thank goodness Nin-Nin." I said and held her tightly in my grasp. "What were you two thinking, your weak girls not martial artists like Honey-Senpai or Mori-Senpai. You shouldn't be taking on grown men by yourselves." Tamaki scolded and Rin was shaking so I handed her my shirt so she would warm up.

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