Chapter Nine

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(Riku P.O.V)

"Rin please take the medicine." I pleaded with Rin and she refused, I was getting quickly aggravated. See Rin had woken me up with her vomiting in the hallway, the maid shrieking in disgust didn't help one bit. She had a massive fever and was sweating but freezing, we did have the family doctor come and check her out and he said that it was only a cold. She was to stay in bed and rest, she also can't use her voice and has to take medicine which she was now refusing. "Want me to call Kyoya and the other Host's over to bother you?" I asked her and she nodded, I sighed and grabbed my phone and texted Kyoya to come over with the other Host's. "I texted him now will you please take your medicine?" I begged and she thought about it and still shook her head, I growled and ran my fingers through my hair to keep my temper under control.

Soon Kyoya and the other Host's had came over and I was about to lose my patience. "Kyoya please reason with Rin, she needs to take her medicine but she's refusing it hopefully you can get her to take it." I pleaded with him and he sighed and nodded and I guided the group to Rin's bedroom. "Why does Rin-chan need to take medicine?" Honey-Senpai asked and I looked at him with a calm smile. "Because she has a cold according to the doctor, but based on how much she had puked up this morning I doubt it's a cold." I told him explaining why she needed medicine and when I heard vomiting I ran faster and there was Rin puking in the trashcan next to her bed. "Rin you okay?" I asked her starting to walk closer to her but she puked again and I knew this was no cold, the last time she had a cold she didn't act like this at all.

When she was done I quickly walked over to her side and put a cold rag on her forehead, she was really pale and it was saddening to see her like this. "Poor Rin-chan I hope she feels better soon." The tiny third year commented and I agreed. "Rin now do you want to take your medicine?" I asked her and she shook her head and I got angry and groaned in annoyance. "Kyoya please get her to take her medicine before I do it and she won't like it." I warned him and he glared at me and I glared right back at him. "Rin please babygirl take your medicine I don't want to see you like this." Kyoya asked her and she moved closer near him and she nodded and I sighed in relief. She then was handed the tiny cup filled with liquid medication and she drank it despite wanting to spit it out and when she finished it all she tried to get out of bed but Kyoya put her right back to bed and he sat down next to her and she held onto his waist.

(Kyoya P.OV)

The other Host's were quiet and then they were shouting in confusion and I glared at them letting out a bit of an angry aura. "Enough already, yes I said that to Rin because we're together." I said and they were quiet and congratulated us on our relationship, Rin had fallen asleep and was laying her head on my lap meaning I couldn't get up. The others were talking to Riku and keeping him company and I simply was watching a movie on Rin's television until she woke up.

I didn't mind being by her side while she was sick, after all it helps me understand how to help her while she's sick once we're married. Dinner came around and she still was asleep, so I did the reasonable thing and moved her off my lap. Only for her to cling onto me once again and lay back on me, I sighed in tiredness and I got comfortable and fell asleep making sure that Rin was safe in my arms.

(3rd P.O.V)

"Aww that's so adorable." Tamaki whispered as he stared at both you and Kyoya sleeping, the other Host's agreed that this scene was adorable. "You alright with this Riku-Senpai?" Haruhi asked Riku and he looked at her and smiled softly. "I trust him with her, I know he won't hurt her. He might seem like he doesn't care but when it comes to my sister, she's a different story she brings out his humanity that has been buried from loneliness for years. Not even Tamaki coming into his life could bring out this amount of his humanity like she can, she's his light while he's her darkness." Riku explained and some were crying after hearing that including himself, then everyone crawled onto in bed and everyone fell asleep next to Rin and Kyoya.

Authors opinion: Welcome everyone who's ready for a new chapter, I hope you are. This chapter is another fluff chapter but this time we deal with Rin being a sick child and a bit of light onto their relationship from Riku's perspective, I'm really thinking of adding Riku's fiance into this at some point but I don't know yet. I'll get her into the story soon so until the next time bye 

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