Chapter Two

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(Riku P.O.V)

I was in my room looking over the file for my bride-to-be. Apparently she's in St. Lobelia, and was one of the chorus singers. Officially I wasn't allowed to meet her until Saturday when her family will come over for dinner, she was a first year in High School so I was only a year older than her. I tried to see who Rin was marrying but she held that file tight, as if not to let me see it. 'Rin please tell me it isn't someone dangerous.' I thought in my head, as for Rin's betrothed I'll be meeting him during the summer break and I was hoping he was good for my big sister.

After looking over the file again I went to my school bag and got started on my homework, I would prefer working on this with Rin but she's held up in her room hopefully doing hers. When I was finished it was time for dinner, I walked into the dining room and saw Rin sitting there waiting for me. Mother and Father never join us for dinner so we're eating alone again, sometimes I wonder whether or not Mother and Father wanted me and Rin in the first place, they only care that we have children and continue the Higashiro bloodline. Father hates us with every fiber in his being, but if he didn't need an heir to the company I think he wouldn't even had children.

Dinner was soup again so we ate that, Father had hired a new chef and he's being trained and so the old chef is making him serve us soup until he gets better at his job. I finished first since I wasn't in the mood to stay in the room, Rin knows this and finished soon after me and we both went to our separate rooms for the night.

(Your P.O.V)

The next morning my arms were killing me, but then again I did sleep on them again so they were basically dead weight. Last night I was dreaming about something that seemed so familiar, like I went through that but I don't remember it. I shook off that feeling and got ready for school today, my was ready by the time Riku barged into my room. I glared at him because that was a stupid move, I mean what if I was getting dressed he would've seen me in a really compromising position. "Sorry Rin but I just wanted to make sure you were awake, you tend to sleep through your alarms." Riku explained and I glared at him even more. 'Wrong that's you Riku I actually get up with my alarms.' I sign remarking his statement and he rubs his neck in embarrassment.

We left my room and actually sat down for breakfast, it was a simple breakfast and when we were about to leave I saw someone I didn't know sat down at the table. Both me and Riku looked at this person with confusion written on our faces, the person was a girl who was around 14 or 15. She had dark orange hair like Father and brown eyes like Mother, weird thing was that she looks just like Mother. "Oh hello big sister Rin, big brother Riku. My name is Seina pleasure to finally meet you." She said introducing herself and we both looked at her like she has two heads. "Why did you call us big brother and big sister, we're the only two children Mother and Father had?" Riku asked her and I nodded, Seina looked at us with a blank look. "Because they had me after they sent you away, I'm 15 years of age while you two are 16 nearly 17 years of age." She explained and I was shocked and so was Riku, did Mother and Father even care about us if they were just going to have another child.

We left the room and got into the limo and we were almost about to leave but Seina got in and the three of us went to school. "So you're in the Middle School?" Riku asked Seina to try to spark some form of conversation, she nodded and then ignored us. It's almost as if she doesn't like us, it makes sense that she doesn't. She never met us at all and she was raised by Father so she doesn't have the same kindness to me and Riku like Mother does. "I do care about you two, after all you two are my elder siblings. However I don't know you well enough so I hope you understand why I'm being like this, once I get to know you two better I won't be like this." Seina said and I nodded and smiled softly at the girl and she gave a small one in return.

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