Chapter One

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Present Time

(Your P.O.V)

It's been twelve years since I last saw my best friend, and everyday I miss him even more. There was no communication allowed between us, not that I could speak to him anyway, see I was born with the inability to speak while my brother Riku is able to, which is funny since we're identical twins and yet he's the more superior twin. Today was our first day at Ouran Academy, I was excited since for the first time ever me and Riku will be in the same class. After everything that happened twelve years ago, me and Riku were sent to another private school halfway across the country and had to live with our Grandparents who were much nicer than what the rumors say.

We were only allowed to return home due to Father recently having a heart attack and needs to start training Riku to take over the company. Higashiro Pharmaceuticals created state of the art medicine, we provide medicine to many hospitals many are with the Ootori Group. You might be wondering who is the older twin, well that's me but due to my disability I was removed at the head of the family and Riku is the heir to the company. Since I'm pretty much useless to Father I can choose what I want to do with my life, but I can't choose who I can marry, apparently that has been chosen for me since birth after Father found out that he was having twins and one was a girl.

My Mother had talked to the school chairman Mr. Suoh and asked him if I could change the color of the school uniform, which he allowed me to since yellow didn't suit well for me. He said it was alright as long as the original uniform was still there and only a color change was implemented. So I change the yellow to the color of the boy's blazers that way it looks better and I personally love the color.

Waking up in my old bedroom was weird but you would think that I would be safe here right? Wrong, I haven't been here for twelve years the same amount of time since I've seen him. The week after they told me that I wasn't allowed to see him, me and Riku were sent off to stay with them. I put on the uniform and made sure I had my white tights underneath. I got on my shoes and put my long auburn hair into a low ponytail tying it with the same dark purple ribbon Kyoya gave me all those years ago. I looked in my bathroom mirror and smiled at how much I've changed since I was last home, I was curvier and had a slightly noticeable chest but I was a B cup so I was fine and my butt was an alright size.

Grabbing my school bag I then left my room and tried to navigate through the manor, I only know where I'm not allowed to go and that's the west side of the manor where Mother and Father reside. Other than that I don't know where I am, as I was walking and or well running I bumped into someone and I fell right onto the floor. "Be careful Rin or else that pretty brain of yours might get injured." A voice remarked and I looked up and saw it was Riku who I bumped into. 'Hey thanks for bumping into me I guess, ready for school?' I signed to Riku and he chuckled and patted my head and I swatted his hand away. "Yeah I'm ready for school, I was on my way to get you since you tend to get lost." Riku stated and I glared at him and he laughed at my face and I pouted slightly.

We skipped breakfast out of old habit from being at Grandmother's and Grandfather's but as always I had a apple to eat on the way. I didn't even look at my parents and neither did Riku and we both got to the limo and we were then taken to Ouran Academy, we decided to go early today to make sure we got our class schedule and speak with Mr. Suoh to make sure that the teachers were informed of my disability. My phone went off and I looked and saw it was Grandmother calling me, I answered the phone and put it on speaker and Riku talked to Grandmother for the two of us. All she wanted to say was that she wished us luck at our new school, Grandmother and Grandfather were more like our parents than our actual parents ever could be.

(Riku P.O.V)

We got to the school and there weren't many students there so it was alright, both me and Rin got out of the limo and she looked regal with how the light shined on her. "Excuse me sir but do you know where the main office is? Today is me and my sister's first day here and we don't know where it is." I asked a student, he had blonde hair and really bright purple eyes which shined when he saw us. "Yeah I know where it is, if you want I can escort you two there. It isn't polite to let a lady like yourself be alone in a new place." He said as he turned and began flirting with my sister but she wasn't flustered like other girls but was creeped out. "Sir please don't creep my sister out." I told the male and he nodded and he guided us to the main office where the lady at the front desk was nice enough to give us our schedule and let us know that the teachers knew of my sister's disability.

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