Chapter Six

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(Your P.O.V)

After the argument with Kyoya I went to a guest room, I needed to be away from Kyoya for a bit but I wasn't going to leave. I wanted to explain to him why I didn't tell him, he deserves to know but he was really angry with me and it was not a good feeling. After I finished my homework, a maid told me that dinner was done and she guided me to the dining room there sat Mr. Ootori and Kyoya and I greeted both of them. I sat down across from Kyoya and I didn't even look at him, I was worried that he might yell at me more and I don't like or want that. Mr. Ootori was nice enough to speak to me during dinner, he knew sign language so it made things easier on me, he talked about how my studies were going and how Kyoya was treating me.

"Kyoya, why so quiet? I thought you would be happy knowing that your childhood friend is marrying you?" Mr. Ootori questioned Kyoya and he looked at him and I couldn't see what his eyes were saying since his glasses were tinted. "I would be if not for the fact that she has known for who knows how long Father." He retorted and I felt my guilt build up, I could tell he was angry and it was my fault. "Now Kyoya don't you think that she might've had a reason for hiding it for so long?" His Father suggested and Kyoya still didn't look at me and I quickly stood up and left not bothering to sign that I was leaving to the guest room.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

I watched Rin walk out of the room and I felt something in me change, my anger I had for being lied to changed to guilt for her sadness. I know she might've had a reason for not telling and my pride is getting to the best of me. "Kyoya please apologize to Miss Higashiro, I don't want anything jeopardizing this relationship. I had to do a lot of convincing to get you two engaged, her Father was the one who told her not to say anything including to you. He's hiding something and I believe she could be useful to find out what, but I was also thinking of your well being while doing this. I know how much you cared about her when you two were little and when you two couldn't be friends anymore due to her Father it broke you, turned you into the person who you are today. So please talk to her and fix this before it's too late." Father explained and I was quiet and I knew I had to, I nodded and left the table and went to my room.

It wasn't until one in the morning when I heard screaming coming from her room, I quickly got up from my spot and ran to her room and opened the door and saw that she was having a nightmare. I went to her bed and held her close to my chest and started rocking my body back and forth, quietly I started trying to wake her up. "Rin please wake up for me." I whispered and she then opened her eyes and gripped my nightshirt tightly, holding onto me for dear life. "C'mon let's head to my room, I want you to write what the nightmare was about alright." I whispered to her and she nodded and held onto me tighter. I put my arms around her and carried her to my room, as I was walking back Father came around and he saw Rin and the state she was in. "Was she why I heard screaming?" He questioned and I explained to him that she was having a nightmare and I'll give him a report later about the nightmare and what it was about, he nodded and we both went back to our respective rooms.

Once I got her onto my couch, she crawled into a ball of sorts and I rubbed her back and handed her a couple sheets of paper and she started writing about the nightmare. I kept her calm as she wrote about it, I think she was grateful for the touch. When she was finished she clung onto me and was basically laying on my lap, I didn't mind it since she was calmer than earlier. "Sorry... for earlier." She said and I looked at her and softly chuckled and held her tightly, I picked her up and went to my bed and placed her in it and she instantly went under the blanket. When she was asleep again I went back to the coffee table and looked at the papers and read about what her nightmare was about, instantly she wrote that she thought it was a memory of when she was a child and I knew that she might be onto something. As I read it something in it felt like it was a memory, Father would like to look at this and I know it.

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