Chapter Eleven

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(Your P.O.V)

"Wait why are we going to see Haruhi? Shouldn't we leave her alone today, she could be out for all we know and it isn't nice to intrude on her like that." I questioned Kyoya who I was sitting next to, he looked at me and booped my nose which I had to admit was adorable. "Because Tamaki had asked me to go with him and I simply decided to bring you along, as well as letting the other Hosts know about it and they decided to come." He replied and I sighed and hugged his waist, right now me and Kyoya were heading to see Haruhi. Riku would've came with us but he's right now catching up on some work he was missing and is about to be dropped to 2-B if he doesn't get his marks up.

When we got there I could see the other's waiting and looking around, I felt some weird nostalgia, like I've been here before but I have no recollection of ever coming to this area. When we saw Haruhi she looked cute in the dress, and the three stooges (being Tamaki, Hikaru, and Kaoru) were complimenting her and she was annoyed. I tapped her shoulder gently and I could feel the anger radiating off of her, but once she saw it was me she stopped. "Sorry we came unannounced, apparently Tamaki had a nightmare where you lived in shambles and you were dirt poor. This was the only way of reassuring his mind." I confessed quietly and she nodded and thanked me and I smiled and went back to Kyoya.

She allowed us inside her home and I thanked her again and took off my heels, in order to conserve space Kyoya made me sit on his lap but I was fine with it. I laid back a bit and rested my head slightly on Kyoya's shoulder slightly, I could easily tell that he put on cologne this morning before he left the house since his normal scent of mint, cinnamon and vanilla was stronger than it usually is. He had a slight grip on my waist to keep me seated, I simply stayed the way I was since I was comfy due to how warm he is. "Rin-chan do you want cake?" Honey-Senpai asked me and I looked at him and nodded slightly, he showed me what cakes were left and I picked the chocolate one. I took a few bites when Kyoya offered me some of his and I opened my mouth and he put the cake in my mouth. He had gotten a mint one so it was nice and minty which wasn't too bad, I gave him a tiny piece of mine and he ate it despite him not having the biggest sweet tooth.

Everyone was asking about lunch but I wasn't worried about lunch, I was fine so I didn't butt into the conversation. The first plan was getting sushi but then it changed to Haruhi making us lunch, I asked her if I could help her since I knew how to cook and she thanked me but rejected my offer. "How come you know how to cook Rin-chan?" Honey-Senpai asked me and I didn't answer him. "When I was living with my Grandparents I learned how to cook from them, they weren't rich like us so there weren't any servants around to do our chores. I did most of the housework since Riku was constantly out with his friends despite me telling him no, you know if it weren't for you guys and Kyoya I would've moved back by now." I told them and everyone looked at me shocked including Kyoya who looked for hurt more than anything. "I told my Father or rather Riku told him that if I don't make any friends or I get bullied I'm to return to my Grandparents immediately." I confessed and everyone was quiet and they all began leaving with Haruhi to the supermarket and I had gotten off of Kyoya.

When we got outside he moved me away and pulled me to the side, I stare into his eyes and I can tell I hurt him. "Sorry Kyoya, I should've told you but when we made that agreement I didn't expect to see you again. I know you're hurt because of what I said, so if you want you can leave me for being a liar." I admitted and he looked at me and his gaze held, then he leaned in and we connected for a kiss.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

I held our lips together for a bit but we separated to breath, then we hear two wolf whistles and I turned and saw the twins howling at us and I felt Rin hiding in embarrassment and I petted her head. "I'm not going leaving you for something like that, I get why you made that agreement okay now I believe we should go back inside to help Tamaki out." I told her and she thanked me and we both walked inside and the twins were stomping over Tamaki and I watched in amusement and it lasted until Rin pushed the two off him. There Tamaki made things worse for him by calling Haruhi his own daughter, after that he was sent to the corner growing mushrooms. I still had a lingering taste of Rin's lips on mine and like always they tasted like raspberries, sweet and tarty at the same time which is a good balance to me.

(Your P.O.V)

We then all sat down and I sat on Kyoya's lap again, I was back in my comfy zone. "Why don't you guys call me Ranka, it's the professional name I use at the transvestite bar I work at." He introduced himself and he kept looking at me and his eyes widened. "No way Rin is that you?" He asked me and I could see his eyes slightly watering, I looked at him confused and then he quickly got up and grabbed something from the bookshelf. "You know me sir?" I asked him and he had a sad face. "I'm your Uncle." He said and I was shocked that I nearly fell out of Kyoya's lap. "Mother didn't say she had a brother before." I told him and his eyes started to leak tears, it was ruining his makeup in the process. "Camilla's alive?" He whispered and I looked at him and was even more confused on what was happening. "No our Mother's name is Eina." I told him and he shook his head and balled his fist making his knuckles white.

"No she isn't, your biological Mother is my sister Camilla Fujioka. The person you know as Mother is your Stepmother, you and your brother were illegitimate children." He explained and I was shocked and quiet, he then opened the book and turned to a page and he handed me a picture and I could see Kyoya looking over my shoulder. There was a woman who I looked very much alike to holding two babies, there I also see a young Ranka and another woman who I assume is Haruhi's Mother. "You look just like Camilla, you would've loved her but she was assassinated when you and Riku were five maybe six months old. I was told that you had died and was banned from learning the truth myself." He told me and I was scared and Kyoya sensed this and rubbed my arm. I handed him back the photo but he exchanged it for a different one, the one he had given me was Camilla or our birth Mother wearing a sundress and I could see myself in the picture.

Sometime later it was time to go home and I got into Kyoya's limo and we then left, he then held me close and whispered soothing things into my ear. "Don't worry Rin we'll figure this out, for now keep this to yourself and tomorrow please come home with me tomorrow. I'll be getting your DNA tested to make sure what Ranka was saying is true, if it's true then Haruhi will be a future relative." He told me and I nodded and when we arrived at my house I kissed him bye and walked inside bracing for the next day.

Authors opinion: Hey guys what's up, I know that I had posted another chapter earlier but I wanted to get this done. In this chapter we get a bit of a surprise with the reveal of Rin and Riku being related to Haruhi, this along with the next few chapters will be the driving force to this book and I hope this will turn out great. But for now I better go since this is hurting my vision since I'm staring at a screen all day and my fingers are killing me so until the next time bye

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