Chapter Fourteen

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Two months later

(Your P.O.V)

Time has passed and things been busy, first our Father was arrested for many things and the three of us were taken away from us. I live with Kyoya, Seina is with Yasuchika and Honey-Senpai so I know she's safe, and Riku well he moved back and is now living with Grandmother and Grandfather which is a big strain on his relationship with a certain Host. Yeah it turns out that he's dating Tamaki for sometime now, though our Grandparents don't like their relationship they don't see Tamaki at all so they don't mind it as long as he doesn't talk about his sexuality too much but once in a while when he needs relationship advice.

When everyone at school heard about what happened with our Father they started to bully me but it was stopped as quickly since they were dumb enough to do it when Kyoya was near. But it wasn't too bad the last couple months, funny enough since I can't even speak still. That was something that was a issue when I was last at the hospital for a check up, it turns out my vocal cords aren't healing properly and I have to get surgery to even get them healed and talking is still out of the question. When I was told that I was going into surgery I was fucking worried but I knew that I would be fine, Kyoya seemed fine at first but when we had gotten home he was in a full out panic which is rare for him.

Today I was going into surgery. We had scheduled a while back, if everything goes right my vocal cords will heal properly and I'll be able to speak soon. Kyoya was sitting next to me in the hospital room I was put in, he was scared for my well being and I don't like seeing him like this. 'Kyoya please calm down, I'll be in good hands okay.' I signed to him and he shook his head, this was something I never really saw in him but I knew that he was a compassionate person to the people he cares the most about. "Rin what if this surgery doesn't work, it could permanently destroy your vocal cords and you might never speak again." He said and I knew why he was scared, he knew that this was risky but I have hope in this. 'I know the risks Kyoya, I want to do this and I have hope that everything will be alright. This might be the only way I'll be able to speak again, if I can't speak again then I'm fine with it.' I signed and he let a tear escape his eyes and I wiped it from his face and he smiled softly and then a couple nurses came and gave me medicine to make me sleep.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

I watched them take Rin out of the room and I wanted to follow but I knew better, so there I sat and waited for her to get out of surgery. My phone rang and I looked and it was Tamaki, I sighed in annoyance and answered it. "Yes Tamaki?" I said to him and he was calm on the other end. 'Everything alright with Rin at the hospital? Did she go into surgery already?' He asked me and I explained to him that everything was alright for now, he was glad since he knew how much I love her. We ended the call and I was alone in this room, stuck with my own mind filled with silence.

Time passed and I looked around and she still wasn't back yet, then the door opened and they wheeled her into the room. The doctor who did the surgery gave me a summary of what happened during the surgery, it was successful and though they nearly lost her from how much blood she had lost she was alright in the end. Her bright auburn hair was shining from the fluorescent lights in the room, I watched her sleep peacefully for the first time since she was rescused from her torture her Father was doing to her. Every night since that day she was having nightmares and I was always able to help her, she was going to see a therapist soon to get help and try to get better.

A while later the other Hosts came to our room to see us, by that point Rin was slightly awake and the nurse had given her some soup for her to eat since she won't be able to eat solid food for a while post surgery nor food that is too hot for her throat nor too cold. They were nice to her and were patient with her since it took sometime to translate what she was saying, the twins were being assholes but that wasn't new in this case. "How long do you think it'll take for Rin-Senpai to speak again?" Hikaru asked me and I shrugged my shoulders since I don't know the answer. "I expect her to speak in a couple years, her vocal cords will need massive work in order for her speech to be correct not to mention that things will be difficult for a bit." The doctor said surprising everyone, I looked at him with a sad look but I understood why he said that and I agreed.

He then gave her a prescription for her to take to quicken the healing process, then it was time for us to leave since they wanted her overnight for observation and I had no choice to agree, but I told them to make sure she was knocked out since she would wake up from nightmares throughout the night and that would affect her mentality. The doctor thanked me and I went home and as soon as I walked into the house I was confronted with my Father and I was nervous for some odd reason. "How's Rin, I heard the surgery was successful?" He asked me and I explained to him what I knew and he nodded and I was about to head to my room when he stopped me. "We were able to get her Father's company, so now she officially will be a nobody in High Society. So I want you to decide something, if I offer you the company after you graduated from college ONLY after you broke up with Rin would you take it?" He asked me and I was frozen but I knew what my answer is.

"My answer is..."

Authors opinion: Sorry guys for that cliffhanger but it was important, this is the second to final chapter for this story so yeah this story is ending. I know it's a sad time but things will be better, when you see the final chapter it will be interesting to see how you all react to it. But for now I better go and until the next time bye

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