Chapter Eight

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(Kyoya P.O.V)

Saturday normally a day I would get some work done but today I had no work to do, school didn't give us any homework and the Host Club didn't give me too much financial issues so I decided to surprise Rin and I didn't want her to know so I had a plan. I texted Riku letting him know of my plan and asked him to get Rin ready, I wanted her to stay with us but her Father refused to let her stay here and he threatened to end our engagement if we tested further against his wishes. I went to the florists and picked up the small bundle of flowers which had two colored roses, one half of the roses were purple and the other color was a dark blue.

Riku was going to take Rin to the location I told him to take her and I was sitting at. I thought that a stroll in a garden would be nice along with dinner would be a nice first date, it was simple and sweet. I was sitting at a bench when I saw Rin walking near me with confusion written on her face. "Rin!" I called and she looked even more confused, when she finally reached me I brought her into a warm embrace. "I wanted to surprise you with a date, that's why Riku had you dress nice." I told her and her face slightly lit up and she thanked me, I offered my hand and she took it and intertwined our fingers.

We had arrived at the garden and I made sure to give Rin her flowers, she was surprised that I did that but she loved the gesture. As we were walking around she was ever smiling in joy and was adorable, she held my hand and dragged me around the place and the lighting got darker and then fireflies came around and they were lighting up the flowers and flew to the sky like they were stars. 'Beautiful just like Rin.' I thought in my head and I looked at Rin and leaned in and kissed her gently.

(Your P.O.V)

I was entranced between the fireflies and the kiss, I leaned in into the kiss making it deeper. When we parted I was a blushing mess, and the funny part Kyoya was a slightly blushing mess as well. We continued walking around and I was leaning onto his arm, then we walked out of the garden and he told me that we were going out for dinner. Walking to the restaurant was nice and peaceful, just the two of us and nobody bothering us.

We got to the restaurant and Kyoya then told the host the reservation name, he smiled and quickly led us to our table. "Hello I'm going to be your waitress for this evening, may I offer you something to drink?" The waitress greeted us or rather specifically Kyoya ignoring my presence. "I'll have a cup of chamomile tea please, and what do you want Rin?" Kyoya said and I looked at the waitress and she smiled but I could tell it was fake. "I'll have jasmine tea please." I requested and she nodded and quickly left, but I could tell she was jealous of me. We looked at the menu and I was the first one done, I decided to get a curry over a bowl of white rice while Kyoya went with a steak.

The waitress came back and brought us our tea, we placed our order and she left. "Having a good time Rin?" Kyoya asked me and I nodded, then his phone went off and he excused himself and went to answer it. So I was at a table alone without him, it wasn't too bad since I got to witness the manager fire our waitress due to some of the customers around us told the manager about her behaviour towards me. Apparently she was going to be fired for a while now but she kept begging for her job and the manager kept her on, honestly I would've fired her a while ago considering that she has done this in the past. A new waiter came around and apologized for her actions and I thanked him, he then left and Kyoya had returned and he was angry. "You okay Kyo?" I asked him softly and he nodded and grasped my hand and held it tightly. "I'll tell you after dinner." He said and I nodded and caressed his hand with my thumb, it was a simple gesture of reassurement and he needed it. I let go as soon as our meal had arrived, we ate in a comfortable silence and we simply enjoyed each other's company.

We finished the meal and Kyoya paid for dinner which I argued but he still did it, we then left and headed outside and there was a limo waiting for us. I got in and so did Kyoya and then we started to head towards my home. "Do you want to tell me what got you upset during dinner?" I questioned him and he nodded and quickly held my hand for support. "Some random girl came to my home and told my Father that I had gotten her pregnant, Father knew that I didn't but he still Interrogated me like I actually did it." He explained and my heart quickly sank and he looked at me and saw a thin layer of tears starting to form. "Rin I didn't do it, I don't even know the girl so it couldn't have been me. Don't think that I did alright, please I don't want to see you sad." Kyoya told me and I nodded and I blinked so the tears didn't fall, he pulled me to his side and I held him tightly and he was whispering soothing words into my ear.

Then we had arrived in front of my home and I got up and he walked me to the door, gave me one last kiss on the cheek and walked back to his limo. I softly smiled and walked inside the mansion and went to my room, there was an empty vase and so I went to my bathroom and filled it with water and put the flowers in there. I changed into a simple pair of pajamas and went to sleep, having happy dreams about Kyoya.

Authors opinion: Good day everyone here is a new chapter, I know that it might've been a few days since I last posted one but I've been trying to make sure I don't fail the 10th grade so yay education. In this chapter it's just fluff even with that one part at the end it was just fluff and seeing their first date together. If you were noticing at all I recently changed the month that Rin and Riku were born from July to June, it's because it was to do with her flowers Kyoya gave her. Anyway I better go and until the next time bye

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