Chapter Twelve

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(Riku P.O.V)

Screaming... all I can hear is screaming, not a happy kind of screaming but one of pain. I turned my head slightly and watched as my Father beat Rin and Seina, we were chained up in a room in the west wing. I could see small cuts on both of their bodies, he stripped us of everything but our underwear thankfully, it would be scarring to see your sisters butt naked and the same for them. "Scream in pain you whores, just like your Mother's each wanted my cock and so I gave them what they wanted and I got you mistakes." He sneered and I tried to get free but the chains were massively tight and I couldn't get free and he laughed at this scene. He then kicked he right in the stomach and I groaned in pain and he punched and smashed my head into his fist and the wall with a sadistic smile on his face.

"Try that again and I'll punish you more, or maybe I'll take something precious from your sisters. Something that they want to give to the people they love the most." He warns me and I tried to fight him but he punched me one more time and walked away. "Riku you okay?" Seina asked me and I looked at her and nodded, I looked over at Rin and she was silent which was scaring me. "Rin please speak for us..." I asked her and she tried to but instead her body jolted from pain and she couldn't speak. "Why... what did we do to deserve this... this cruelty?" Seina questioned no person in particular and I wanted to hug both of them but I was stuck where I am. My only hope is that someone will notice our absence and help us.

(Yasuchika P.O.V)

I was instantly worried about Seina, she wasn't in school today, she isn't picking up her phone, she didn't text me letting me know that she was not coming today so something's wrong. I knew that her Father was abusive towards her, I knew from the first time I took her to the beach and she wore a bikini and I saw a bruise on her stomach area. I tried telling my Father but there wasn't really any evidence to confront him with, but he told me to keep an eye on her and to report to him of anymore injuries she gets from him which I was going to do either way.

Sucking up my pride I headed towards the High School and I couldn't help but look at the pendent Seina got me for my birthday. It was a locket which had a picture of us on our first anniversary, we had gone to an amusement park despite my arguing about it. We ended up taking a cute picture by the water fountain and a nice elderly woman took our photo, she got it printed and put it in the locket and I secretly wear it. "Please be alright Seina... I can't lose you." I pleaded and continued my walk to the room and when I had arrived Mitsukuni saw me and tried to attack me but I frankly let him beat me. "Chika-chan what's wrong?" He asked me and I looked at him and he sees something in me that he never saw before, worry. "Chika...?" He trails and at that point I couldn't even answer him, the other's seemed to notice this and they had to close their club.

I quickly sat down at one of the couches and was offered some tea and I didn't refuse, I felt my hands were shaking that's how much worry I was having. "Why are you here Chika-chan I thought you didn't like the Host Club?" Mitsukuni asked me and I looked at him while I had a straight face my eyes were showing weakness. "Where is Rin and Riku, Seina was at school all day and she would've texted me saying she wasn't coming and I know that her Father is abusive and her Mother does nothing to stop it and I'm worried and scared that he hurt her to the point that she might be dead." I confessed and I heard a cup break, I look over from where the sound resonated and I saw it was I believe Ootori and he had shards of a tea cup in his hand. "What do you mean abuse?" He asked me for clarification and I walked over to him and stare right into his eyes. "I mean MY girlfriend is being beaten everyday by her Father, I have known about this for the last TWO YEARS AND NOBODY HAS DONE CRAP DO HELP HER!!" I exclaim and my anger rises as I was speaking and Ootori gently pats my shoulder and walks past me. "Kyoya where are you going?" The blonde I think he was Suoh was asking Ootori now known as Kyoya. "I'm going to finally put both mine and Yasuchika's girlfriend's Father in jail. Now if you don't mind I have to make a phone call." He explained and quickly left, I then sit back down and sip my tea trying to keep my nerves under control.

"I didn't know you were dating Kyo-chan's girlfriend's sister Chika-chan." Mitsukuni stated and I looked at him and for once my facade dropped and I smiled. "She's my everything Mitsukuni, while normally I'm who I am but when she's around she brings out this different me. I'm happier around her and she is my betrothed after all." I told him and he looked surprised and yet the others were quiet. "BETROTHED?!?!" They yelled and I glared at them, they all piped up and I groaned in annoyance. "Yes she is my betrothed however this only happened last school year, but we've been together since our first year in middle school." I explained and they nodded, then Ootori came in and he had a aura of mischief around him. "What's wrong?" Suoh asked and he smirked and he fixed his glasses. "My spy from Rin's house confirmed what Mr. Haninozuka was saying is true, now we must think of a plan to get them free. I'm afraid that the three are being held in the same room and that room is in a part of the building with the most security and then we have his personal guards as well to deal with." He said and I was feeling my blood boil, he could tell and walked over and put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry we'll get her back, you're not the only one who has someone there as well." He reassured me and I nodded in thanks.

The rest of the time we were thinking of a plan and when we were finished we had no choice but to wait until tomorrow to do through it, we're all tired and this needs our full attention. "Hang on Sunflower... please hold on for me..."

Authors opinion: Good day everyone, I know that this chapter is really weird but we're getting into the point of this story. Yasuchika was different than he is portrayed in both the anime and manga but I thought that he should be able to have a sensitive side and he's really protective of Seina. I hope you guys like this story and until the next chapter bye

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