Chapter Ten

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(Your P.O.V)

Walking around the manor (except for the west wing) and all I could hear was squealing from a high pitched annoying voice. Let me explain to you what was happening, our little cousins were staying over for a whole month. Now one of them isn't loud like their sibling, Kiro was the quiet sibling but he was known to be a pain when it came to bath time. His sister on the other hand had vocal cords like an opera singer, Diane completely took after both my Aunt and Uncle who were opera singers so it runs in the family.

Family on my Father's side were all singers, only my Father was the one who inherited my Pappy's company. Pappy was what I knew as my Grandfather on my Father's side, personally we never met him since he hated our Father for some reason and in turn showed us that same hatred but never physically. Grandma who was our Grandmother on our Father's side was known to be abusive and after she was for domestic and child abuse and child neglect all but one got help for the trauma they had experienced and that person was of course Father. I think personally that Father's childhood was something that affected him now with me, Riku, and Seina.

Kiro wanted to learn sign language more since he wanted to be friends with a pair of twins who were born deaf, it warmed my heart knowing that so I was going to help him. "Rin I know we don't know each other well but thank you for helping me with my sign language, I don't know if I can ever repay you." Kiro thanked me and I ruffled his blonde hair, we arrived to my room and I found some of my old textbooks I had used when I was first learning sign language. I handed him the book and pointed where to start reading and where to end then I would help him practice it.

Then sometime later my phone buzzed and I grew a smile reading who was texting me, I opened my phone and read the message. 'Kyoya's coming over, well I hope he can deal with squealing but then again we have Tamaki so I think he's immune to it by now.' I thought in my head and Kiro was looking at me weird and I smiled at him and we continued practicing his sign language. A knock came onto my door and I walked over and saw Kyoya with a small bundle of flowers and I smiled, I let him come into the room and he was being watched by Kiro.

(Kyoya P.O.V)

I was hoping to spend time with my girlfriend, but instead I wasn't allowed to due to her having to help her little cousin. He was the age of 12 based on his appearance, he had blonde curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. "Hello my name is Kyoya Ootori, may I know your name young man?" I introduced myself to the blonde and he looked at me and walked over and held out his hand. "Kiro Higashiro, Rin's younger cousin pleasure to make your acquaintance Mr. Ootori." He announced and I was shocked at how polite he was. "How long have you known Rin?" Kiro asked and I kept a facade on my face. "We grew up with each other until we were the age of four, then her Father your Uncle forbade any contact between us and she had moved away and I thought that I wouldn't be able to see her again. But she along with Riku moved back here and I was reunited with her." I explained the basics of our backstory and he was shocked. "That's a sad backstory but I'm glad you two were reunited, you two look happy it's better than what I knew about Rin from my Mother and Father." Kiro said and I eyed him weirdly, what story was told to her family or are we both missing a piece of the puzzle.

Kiro went back to his original spot and I looked at what they were doing, I realized that Rin was teaching him sign language so I decided to help them with the task. I liked Kiro since he was much more polite than most children I knew growing up, it almost seems like he isn't spoiled, and I wouldn't mind having kids of my own either with Rin and nobody else. Soon dinner came around for them and I had decided to leave but instead Rin was able to convince me to stay the night since her parents weren't home. Riku and the other cousin Diane were basically making the noise at dinner while me, Rin, Seina who I met for the first time, and Kiro were quietly eating our dinner. "Hey Kiro did you have fun with little Miss Silence over there?" Diane teased Kiro and I didn't like the way she called Rin that, Rin sensed that I was starting to get angry and tried to calm me down.

"Look she has a fuck buddy apparently, why would you want someone who can't even speak when you can have someone who could sing like a angel?" Diane commented and Rin looked down and I got angry but kept my temper under control. "Diane, that isn't nice to say to your older cousin, she doesn't deserve being called that. Were you ever taught to respect the people around you?" I remarked and she glared at me with green eyes filled with anger, I had a stoic face as I smirked. "So what, she is nothing more than a piece of trash that deserves to die. After all Uncle did had her nearly assassinated when she was around five or six months." She retorted and I dropped my smirk and everyone looked at her with eyes filled with a different emotion. "He did what?!" I slightly shouted and she started to panic, but before she could say anything more my phone went off and it was my Father telling me to get home and I excused myself and kissed Rin one more time and then left the mansion.

While I was sitting the limo on my way home I was so confused about what Diane was saying but it was something I better tell Father, after all it was something that is needed in order to make sure the plan works. But one thing's for sure, Katzuki and Eina Higashiro are going to pay for what they have done even if it's the last thing I do.

Authors opinion: Hello guys what's up, I know it's been sometime and I miss y'all. In this chapter it goes into a bit into the plot but was mostly fluff until everything at dinner, we also learn more about Katzuki aka Rin and Riku's Father and what he went through as a child. Originally I was going to bring in Riku's Fiance but I decided against it and instead bringing in Kiro and Diane, who might be important for the later part of the story and soon we'll meet someone who will help Rin and Riku as well as Seina. Anyway I better go and until the next time bye

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