Character Information

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Name - Rin Higashiro

Age - Prologue: 4, Chapter One: 16

Hair Color - Bright Orange

Eye Color - Blue (Similar to the color of the caribbean sea)

Hair Length - Waist but kept up in a dark purple ribbon

Blood Type - A

Birthday - June 24th

Nationality - Asian

Likes: Kyoya, piano, quiet, cooking, baking

Dislikes: Her Mother, her Father, loud noises, Kyoya when he's angry or cranky

Favorite Food - Lemon Mochi Ice Cream (Despite hearing a lot of good things about Mochi I've yet to have it, one of these days I'll try some.)

Least Favorite Food - Carrot Cake

Authors opinion: Hello everyone this is the character profile for our story, I only went over Rin and not her brother because well he'll get one later down the line you'll see. But anyway I better go and until the next time bye

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