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Alice sighed loudly as she looked at her full schedule. It was the third time this week she had to cancel her appointments because she wouldn't let her daughter and Jughead have dinner all by themselves.

They were responsible kids but in her eyes it's not their job to make their own dinner. When she got pregnant she had sworn to herself be a devoted mother and just because she was mayor now wouldn't mean she'd let go of that promise.

So, that's when she called Hermione to fill in for her. As her advisor she knew what Alice stood for and she trusted her with her life. Although, she was starting to feel guilty about cancelling over and over again.

When Hermione answered the phone she immediately cut to the chase. She knew the dril by now as it wasn't the first time she called to cancel because of Betty and Jughead.

''Can't make the meeting, I have no one to make dinner for the kids and I won't give them money for Pop's again.'' Alice explained her with a sigh.

Hermione was silent at first and then decided to finally ask what had been on her mind. She loved her best friend, but she doubted if she was doing okay as a single mother with two teenagers in her house and a fulltime job. 

''How long is Jughead staying with you?''

The boy had moved in with her almost seven months ago and that was when her troubles had grown. Not because she didn't appreciate the boy in her home, she absolutely did, but taking care of two teenagers was a different story than taking care of one.

''His Dad is getting out soon, remember?'' Alice emphasized, hoping that Hermione would understand that'd it be over in a matter of weeks.

''Any regrets?'' Hermione asked quietly, as she knew by now that it was very hard for Alice to admit that things were a little too much.

But Alice didn't have regrets. Why would she? She had given the boy that meant a lot to her daughter a roof above his head when he didn't have any. She'd do that again in a heartbeat.

''Jughead is sweet and Betty appreciates it, so it's all good. Although, doing everything on my own with two kids instead of one is harder than I expected.'' Alice admitted to her best friend.

She was probably the only person she'd ever say that out loud to, but it was safe to say that it was difficult having someone else's kid in your house and not being their parent. Not that Jughead was a teenager that needed lot of controlling, but the grey area was hard to understand sometimes.

''It's been hard since Hal passed, huh?'' Hermione knew that ever since her ex-husband had died Alice had thrown herself into work. 

Which was a bad coping mechanism considering she had a teenage daughter who still needed guidance, especially after her Dad had passed away.

''We were separated for a long time, but yeah, it's even harder now.'' Alice sighed quietly at the other side of the phone. 

Her watch caught her attention and she realized she needed to get home soon if she wanted the kids to have dinner with her.

''Talk to you soon, I have to start dinner. Would you reschedule the meeting for me?'' She pouted sadly.

Hermione chuckled and knew it'd be better if Alice would be there herself, instead of her filling in again.

''You got it. See you soon, Alice.'' She said softly, and hang up the phone.


Two weeks had passed and that would mean Jughead's father was finally getting released after seven months in prison. Alice had never met the guy before even when Betty had been dating him for a year now and she wondered if they'd look alike.

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