34 | Chaperoning

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"Jughead, this suit is way too small." The boy came downstairs with a sad face as he had grabbed the suit he had over five years now. No wonder he didn't fit into it anymore— he wasn't twelve years old. Still, it was all he had.

"I can't afford a new one Betty. It's either this or I'll have to go to prom in my jeans." He sighed, as he wormed himself out of his jacket, the sleeves almost ending at his elbows.

"Betty is right, boy. I'll see if I can chip in, okay?" FP said politely. He wanted this prom to be an everlasting memory for his only kid. There was no way he was going to let an old suit ruin that. He might not have lots of savings, but there should be enough to buy him something new.

"You keep your money, FP.  You two can go shopping and buy the suit that you want, it's on me." Alice smiled, seeing the expressions on the kid's face change instantly. She remember her prom all to well and she wanted for them to have nothing jeopardizing the night for them.

"Are you serious, Mom?" Betty said with her mouth wide open, hoping that she had heard it right.

"Absolutely. This is your prom! I want both of you to feel good. You can pick a dress out too, honey." Alice beamed, feeling more happier every second knowing she made her daughter happy. It wasn't that big a deal for her to pay, especially not knowing what she got in return.

Jughead smiled gratefully, not really knowing what to say to Alice. But she knew what he meant anyway and gave him a sweet wink. They ran up the stairs to change so they could go to the mall immediately.

FP waited until he knew for sure the kids were upstairs before he took a few steps into his girlfriends direction and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Babe, you don't have to." He whispered sweetly, as he didn't know how to feel about her paying for his kid's new suit.

"Yes, I do. We're a family. Family give each other presents." She smiled at him and let her hands rest on his cheek. FP was sure that this only made him fall in love with her more. The fact that she saw both him and Jughead as family made his heart glow in a way it had never before. She was right. They were a family now.

Alice walked over to FP on her tiptoes as he was getting ready for bed. The last few nights they had been sleeping in Alice's bedroom which was slowly becoming 'their' place. They still had to make sure the kids wouldn't see, but considering it was almost midnight they were in the clear.

Besides, it had been Jughead who had shown her the drawings so they figured that the kids already knew more about their relationship than they first thought. Still, nobody had confirmed or denied anything yet and they hadn't asked them into their faces. For now it remained a secret. Or just a fact that nobody said out loud yet.

"I was thinking, as Betty and Jughead are out this Friday night, you and I should have a date of our own." She smiled devilishly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer.

"Yeah? Should we dress up and dance a little?" He smirked and poked her nose with his own.

"I know the perfect place." Alice whispered lowly, her lips grazing hers but barely touching them.

"You do?" He practically growled, ready to kiss her hard and needy. But then she pulled back with a big smile on her face.

"Betty's and Jughead's high school gymnasium." She had pushed him away playfully and laughed when she saw his face drop.

"Wait, what?" He raised his eye brow confused at her statement. Why would they go there?

"They needed chaperones and I volunteered." Alice simply explained.

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