50 | The Most Amazing Father

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The living room of the Cooper-Jones-Smith house was completely silent. Just four people sitting on the dinner table looking at the mail they had just gotten. Whatever was in there would change their lives forever. This was the moment they had been working for the last four years. And now they would see if that hard work was going to pay off.

"Are you ready to open your letters?" FP was the one to break the silence. Both Betty and Jughead could only stare at the still unopened piece of paper. It wasn't just the nerves for what their own letter would say, whatever was in there could change their dynamic completely.

"What if only one of us gets accepted?" Betty mumbled it more to herself, but nonetheless they all heard. It was a fear both kids were afraid to say out loud, but it was the harsh reality they were living in now.

"Everything will be fine. In that case, it's their loss." Alice tried to comfort them, but no matter what any of them would say, it wouldn't change the result.

"I'll be happy for you anyways, Betty. No matter what my letter says." Jughead looked to his side to face Betty and gave her a sweet smile. He meant what he said. She was a bright girl that had worked incredibly hard, he would want her to get accepted.

"Right back at you, Jug." She grinned, and felt a little bit more relieved. Knowing that they were supporting each other made it all just a little bit easier.

They gave each other more one last nod before ripping open the letter. Everyone held their breath while they were reading the results, waiting for one of them to speak up and share either good or bad news.

"So, what does it say?" FP couldn't wait anymore, and their faces weren't betraying anything either. The two looked up from the letter and faced each other. As if their minds were connected they both started to grin like idiots.

"I got in!" They said in unison. Before their parents ran over them to hug them, the two embraced each other tightly, trying to tell how proud they were. A new adventure they would face together, something that would only make their bond stronger.

"Grab the champagne!" Betty chuckled after FP was done hugging her. He instantly ran to the kitchen to grab the bottle and some glasses.

"And a water for me!" Alice called after him, reminding him that she couldn't drink alcohol as long she was breast feeding.

"We're going to Yale." Betty breathed out in disbelief, barely registing that all of this was real. Their dream school, and exactly this time next year they would be walking around there.

"We really are." Jughead laughed and shook his head. It felt surreal, but it was truly happening.

"I am so proud of the two you." FP came back with the champagne and poured the three of them some after handing Alice her water.

"I'll go to the bakery at Pickens Square for some cake, alright? We need to celebrate." Alice beamed brightly, remembering how much Betty always loved everything single thing they sold there. When she grew up she always said she'd buy the place one day so she could eat cake all day.

"That sounds great, Mom." Betty smiled, feeling grateful for having such a supportive parent.


Betty and Jughead had sat down on the couch, suddenly realizing that this meant a lot for them and their relationship too. Everything was so messed up already with them breaking-up and their parents getting twins, that this would have a whole other impact on it's own. Not that long ago they had talked about how taking some distance would be the best thing for the both of them, but now that was all about to change too.

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