12 | Turning Tables

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FP was pouring his first cup of coffee when Alice came down fully dressed and ready for work. She had been tossing and turning all night about her confession of last night and she felt ashamed of breaking down so unexpectedly. 

It was the first time she had even confessed to herself that she couldn't do this alone anymore and that she need someone to be there for her. But why did she have to admit that to the person she had to face everyday? Why did he have to know about her fears? She could have told Hermione, her best friend for decades now, but instead she chose to tell the man that she had met a few weeks ago. 

Still, he had been so soft and so comforting that maybe she was glad that she told him. If he lived in her house he might as well know that he was truly appreciated. Sharing so many feelings  was just something Alice wasn't used to. 

He smiled politely he saw her coming into the kitchen, handing her one a cup of coffee too. 

"I'm sorry about last night, I didn't mean to—" Alice stuttered a little ashamed, as she had no idea how to act after letting her guard down. 

"Don't worry, Alice. It's all fine." He smiled assuringly. 

For FP the night hadn't been any different. He hadn't closed an eye for hours as he couldn't stop thinking about how she wanted him to stay. He had met her as this strong, feisty, not afraid of anything, kind of woman. And she still was, but she turned a little more human. Of course he knew that side of her was in there somehow especially when she had said some things that definitely showed she was vulnerable, but last night was a whole other level. 

FP had found a friend in her but apparently he was giving her something back that she needed as much. And if he was honest with himself, he finally felt appreciated for the first time in years. That was a feeling he wasn't ready to lose. So, unless thing would go south he was more than happy to wait for her to come home, pour her a glass of wine and talk about her day if that would make her happy. 

"It's not. I don't want to be the one holding you back. If you want to get a place of your own, then you should." Alice stated.

The last thing she wanted was for FP to feel guilty about wanting to leave, when he had all the right to get a place of his own after everything he and Jughead had been through. She couldn't imagine that he wanted to stay here with here any longer. 

"Hmm, I was just getting comfortable here. But if you really want me out then—'' He played with her, letting out an exaggerating sigh just to let her know that he wasn't planning on moving out. FP couldn't finish his sentence as she gave him a slap on his chest. 

"You're an idiot." She shook her head with a laugh. Alice was truly happy that he made a joke you the situation so she wouldn't feel bad all day. 

"You're okay too, Al." He winked as he started to spread some jam on his toast. 

"Al? We're using nicknames now?" She raised her eye brow and he laughed for a second as he saw her sass coming back. 

"Well, we are friends aren't we? Friends can give each other nicknames." He smiled cheekily, knowing that she loved to hate it and hated to love it. 

He guessed that not many people even dared to give her a nickname, but he wasn't afraid of her. Behind that guard of her was just a very vulnerable, soft, sweet and caring woman whom he slowly started to get to know. 

"Don't make me change my mind." She warned him, but couldn't stop a smile forming on her face. 

FP took a look on the clock and realized they had been chatting for way too long. Alice's schedule was always printed and sticking to the refrigerator and she was almost going to miss it if she wouldn't hurry. 

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