3 | Waffels

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Alice yawned loudly as she came shuffling into the kitchen, being surprised by the smell that was filling her living room. No burned toast... no spilled coffee... just the smell of a delicious breakfast. FP smile grew when he saw her carefully walking towards the kitchen counter. 

''Good morning, Miss Sunshine. I made waffels.'' He grinned, and handed her over a plate with freshly baked waffels and lots of maple syrup on top of it.

FP knew he was surprising her with something like this, since he had told her that cooking wasn't really his best quality. He'd pay good money to see her looking like that every morning, just to tease her. 

''I see. But the question is, are they edible?'' She raised her eye-brow suspiciously. 

There was nothing that told her that it wasn't good but a part of her had a hard time to believe that this guy actually made something that the kids couldn't get enough of. 

Betty and Jughead were already getting seconds when Alice tried her first bite as FP was waiting for her to admit that it was actually very tasteful. 

''It's one of the few things my Dad can actually cook.'' Jughead grinned with his mouth full and took another big bite. 

Before she could even make a comment about the waffels she had just tasted, the front door swung open and Hermione made her way to the kitchen. As she was Alice's best friend and advisor she had given her a key a long time ago. They waltzed into each other homes all the time and this morning wasn't any different. 

''Morning Madam Mayor.'' Hermione smiled as she saw Alice enjoying her breakfast. 

''What is it with the nicknames this morning?'' Alice scoffed slightly and shook her head. 

FP laughed loudly and earned a glare from Alice, but that wouldn't stop him from smirking at her. It was going to be so much fun to tease this woman till the end of times, especially as he knew he scored a lot of points with this breakfast. In the end that was what he was being tested for and he was sure had passed today. 

''Aren't you going to introduce me?'' Hermione bumped her shoulder against Alice's, aiming to the stranger in her kitchen that she hadn't seen before. 

''Fine. Hermione, this is Forsythe. Forsythe, this is Hermione.'' She explained quickly before chugging her coffee and grabbing her purse. 

''I told you not to use my real name.'' FP pointed out. 

''Frankly, I don't care.'' She feigned a smile and adjusted her hair in the mirror, ready for another day to start. 

FP rolled his eyes and held his out for Hermione to shake. 

''Nice to meet you, Hermione. Call me FP like every other human being.'' He winked and gave Alice a side glare. 

She didn't give him any more attention and grabbed the hand of her friend. 

''Ok, let's go. Lots to do today. Call me if you need me.'' She turned around once more, feeling a little anxious as she was leaving them for the fourth day now. 

''Things will be fine, Smith.'' FP emphasized, as he had learned the last couple of days that she'd text him every hour to make sure the house wasn't on fire. 

''Don't Smith me.'' She scoffed. 

''Don't Forsythe me.'' He fired back, as two could play this game. 

''Touche.'' Alice sighed. 

Hermione took her hand to drag her out the house, before they'd be too late for work today. 

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