19 | Serious

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FP was in his own thoughts as he had just vacuumed the living room, when Jughead awkwardly shuffled his way into the house, closing the door as FP just pulled out the plug. All the way from school to home he had been practicing the conversation he was about to have with his Dad, making him more nervous than probably necessary. 

''Dad, can I talk to you about something?'' Jughead asked carefully as he build up the courage to talk about something very personal. 

He had never really talked with his Dad about love or anything remotely like that before because it was never really topic of discussion, but that was about to change today. 

''Sure, kid. What is it?'' FP looked over his shoulder and met his son's eyes as he putted away the vacuum cleaner and turned all his attention to Jughead. 

''Betty and I are getting...serious.'' He started to tell, feeling a little nervous as he talked. 

''You have been serious for a while now, right?'' FP asked confused and sat down on the couch. He patted on the spot next to him for Jughead to take. He realized that his Dad wasn't really catching onto what he really meant, so he tried to drop another subtle hint. 

''Yeah, we're solid but that's not what I meant. I think we're ready for the next step.'' He said as he folded his hands together and looked straight into his dad's eyes, hinting even more on what he was trying to say. 

''Oh, that's what you meant. Wow." FP chuckled slightly and leant back into the couch. 

He thought he'd never see the the day that his son would come to him for advice when it came to sex, but here they were. Thing could really change and he was actually very relieved that Jughead had decided to be open about it. 

"Did it happen already? What do you want to know?'' He asked his son, ready to answer anything that was on his mind. 

''We haven't done it, yet. But I think we might be ready.'' The boy smiled a little as he thought of his girlfriend. 

''That's the first thing you need to ask yourself. Most of the time boys think a lot about themselves and forget to check up with their girl. What did Betty say about this?'' FP crossed his arms and leant in a little closer, putting all his attention towards the story of his son. 

''She's actually the one who wanted to talk about it, so that's a good thing, right?'' Jughead asked a little insecure as he raised his eye-brow. 

He wasn't so sure if she really wanted this to happen or that she was just open to the idea of something happening soon. They had been together for a while now, so it was going to happen sooner or later but he just didn't want to overstep her boundaries. 

''It is, that might be a sign that she wants it to happen. But still, consider at all times whether this is good for her, okay? Even when it happens. It's a special thing to share with someone, don't underestimate that.'' He patted his son's shoulder as he gave him the meaningful advice. 

''I'll never hurt her, Dad. That's a promise.'' Jughead assured him with a smile. FP knew Betty was in good hands with his boy. It was obvious that he was head over heels and that he'd do anything to make her happy. 

''I don't think you will, boy. Not on purpose anyway. All I can tell you is to just be open about it and make sure both of you feel comfortable.'' He told him at last, hoping that for now Jughead would be satisfied with his advice. 

''How are things with you and that Lena girl?'' Jughead asked curiously as he reminded that his father had a date last night. 

They were very open towards each other which was definitely a perk of this weird living situation and he truly appreciated that his Dad didn't keep any secrets when it came to his dating life. 

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