26 | Shower

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FP had parked close to the Pembrooke as he was about to pick up Betty and Jughead after their sleep-over at Veronica's house. His night with Alice was something that was hard to put on pause, especially when they got a taste of how it could be when the kids weren't home.

After he had politely pressed the doorbell, Hermione opened it with a smile over her face. Fred was still sleeping, while she had made the kids some breakfast. For a second she wanted to say something to tease him about his possible relationship with Alice, but then she remembered that he didn't know that she knew about that. 

''Morning FP. You're here to pick up the kids?'' She let him walk into the house. It was the first time he'd ever saw the place where Hermione and Fred lived and he had to admit that he was impressed. If he was being honest, it was probably the biggest house he had ever been in. 

''I sure am. Were they good?'' He asked her with a chuckle as they walked into the living room. 

''They just had breakfast, they had a long night. But yes, they were angels like always. Haven't been awake for one second.'' She smiled at him as she assured that everything was fine. It was easy not to be disturbed though, as their rooms weren't even close to each other. 

When they had entered the dining room he looked at Betty and Jughead who had big bags under their eyes. It looked like they hadn't slept for a minute. 

''Hey you two, did you sleep well?'' His question was rhetorical, but Jughead answered nonetheless. 

''Not really, Dad.'' He whined as he pulled his beanie over his head. 

FP glanced at his son for a second as he knew perfectly well what was going on with the two kids, even when Hermione seemed oblivious to see so. These were the looks of two people with a very bad hangover. If he was being right they would be grounded for a few weeks. He had taught him better than this. 

''Thanks for taking care of them, Hermione.'' FP smiled politely as he placed his hand on Betty and Jughead's shoulder, guiding them towards the door as walking all by themselves seemed like hard task. 


Once they were home FP slammed the door loudly, making both teenagers cringe and grab their foreheads. The sound echoed through their mind and made this hangover even worse.

''Do you have to slam the door so loudly?'' Jughead complained as he dropped himself on the couch, closing his eyes as he did so. 

''Yes, boy. I do. Maybe you'll learn to not drink when you are underaged.'' He scoffed as he threw his bag at him, landing directly on his stomach. 

Jughead knew perfectly well what FP thought of drinking and the fact that he had just completely ignored that was hurting his feelings. Hadn't he been clear enough? Or did he just simply don't care?

''Don't act like a saint, you did that when you were young.'' He spat back as he threw the bag away on the ground when his girlfriend sat down next to him. 

''I am your parent now, Jughead. Don't drink if you can't cope with the consequences.'' FP pointed his finger at his son as he was getting raged more and more every second. Drinking was one thing, but turning it around because he had a beer every now and then when he was seventeen was something else. 

The fact that he didn't want his son to drink was exactly because he had touched the hard stuff before when he wasn't supposed to and almost died because of alcohol poisoning in his teenage years. His insensitivity to the subject was making him even more mad. It always starts out with a couple beer on a Friday night, until you'd chug the hard stuff until you passed out. 

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