43 | Columbus

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A few hours later Hermione had made her way over to the Cooper-Jones-Smith house, as Alice had called her immediately after discovering what her father her done. What was this going to mean for her campaign? People would link the picture of her father to her political views-- nobody would see her as Alice Smith, but as the daughter of the man who accidentally uploaded his own nudes.

"Okay, this is the plan for damage control. Your Dad found a worrisome spot on his private area and was going to mail this to his dermatologist." Hermione came up with on the spot. It was the only thing she could think of that would make sense in the slightest, but even that sounded like a weak cover up plan.

"He has mailed it to over two thousand people, Hermione." FP sighed, rubbing his temples as he was trying to think of anything else that could get them out of this mess. He didn't want Alice to be affected by this, but it seemed hard to change the series of unfortunate events.

"He wanted a second opinion?" She raised her eye-brow, even though she already knew that this wasn't going to succeed. There was no way they could get out of this without admitting that Russel hadn't meant to send this to the public.

"Sure, that will fit perfectly with his snappy caption 'Thinking of you keeps me up all night'." Alice scoffed and shoved her coffee mug to the side. She was ready to go to her Dad and tell him that what he had done had a deep impact on her.

"He literally flushed all my chances of ever going to Washington down the drain." She said sadly, realizing that maybe she won't ever take her career where she wanted this to go. 

Or was this a sign? Should she stay in Riverdale and try to have a baby with FP again? Wasn't she meant for greater things? Should she stop running? Her thoughts were interrupted by the backdoor swinging open, revealing her father.

"Good morning you sweet people." He beamed brightly, completely oblivious for the fact that there were three people staring at him with disapproving looks.

"Dad, are you aware that your self portrait is all one the internet?" Alice crossed her arms as she walked over to him. She had expected shock on his face, but to her surprise nothing changed.

"Yeah, what about it?" Russel shrugged his shoulder and walked over to the coffee pot to pour himself some. When three pairs of eyes followed his every move he figured that he had some explaining to do. He didn't care about the picture, but they certainly did.

"My lady friend Evelyn send me a provocative picture, so I send one back as a true gentleman." He thought that with that explanation it'd all be done, but it was just the start. They were really not happy with what happened.

"I'm so glad you still have your manners." Alice rolled her eyes and sat down on the barstool again, feeling FP's hand rest on her back as an attempt to calm her down. But Russel wasn't going to let someone talk to him like that, not even his own daughter.

"You know what, I was perfectly happy with my old flip phone until Forsythe needed to give me the Devil itself!" He pointed at her boyfriend, as a way to emphasize that it wouldn't have happened if FP wouldn't have gotten him this new smartphone. Alice opened her mouth to disagree with him, but FP was already standing up to tell him what he was thinking about his comment.

"So now you are going to blame me? Was I the one pulling down your pants last night?" He scoffed and shook his head. All he wanted was for Russel to be able to help Alice out as much as he could and he wasn't going to take the blame for the fact that he couldn't keep it in his pants.

"I don't know I was drunk!" Russel spat back, which was only making his story worse and worse. Alice felt her head spin a little as she was in the middle of the bickering between her father and her boyfriend, so she took a breath and walked out of the kitchen to the living room where Betty and Jughead were going through the last notes before their test.

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