55 | Hello and Goodbye

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"Babe, hurry up!" FP yelled up the stairs, waiting for his girlfriend to come down. When she finally rushed down the stairs with two babies on her hips, she handed Charlotte over to her father, which he happily accepted.

"Easy for you to say, you don't have two babies sucking on your nipples." Alice rolled her eyes and sighed deeply, still feeling the pain in her breasts from feeding the twins.

"You can suck on mine if that helps you." He poked her side with his elbow and even though she didn't want to give him the satisfaction, she had to laugh.

"You have no shame, do you?" She shook her head in disapproval, but she could appreciate his comment.

"Just so we're even, babe." He kissed her cheek, but their moment was interrupted by Betty who was waiting in the living room surrounded by suitcases.

"Mom, we really have to go now!" She felt bad about leaving or even rushing her, but if they'd stay a little longer they would miss their flight.

"Tell that to your siblings, they were hungry this morning." Alice gestured to Charles on her hip and Charlotte in FP's arms. FP opened his mouth for another joke, but she was just in time to make sure he wouldn't— not in front of their family.

"I warn you, mister." She pointed a stern finger at him and all he did was chuckle because of the fiery look in her eyes.

"Be a little nice to them, okay rugrats?" Jughead walked over to the little ones and softly stroke their cheeks.

"And also make sure just to tease them enough." He added with a wink, earning a playful push from his father.

"Believe me boy, they do. More than you ever did as a baby." The two men smiled at each other, saying enough for now in this hard moment. Betty noticed that her mother's eyes had glossed over and wondered how she was feeling.

"Are you okay, Mom?" She asked worried, her hand finding place on her shoulder.

"Yes, sweetheart. I am just sad we can't come with you." Alice sniffled silently, trying to hide the fact that she was truly upset. Though, it was part of life that at some point the kids you raised would spread their wings and create their own lives, but that didn't mean it was difficult to watch.

"You'll visit soon enough. We need to decorate first anyway." Betty tried to cheer her mother up, even though she had trouble leaving home, too.

"That's the thing! You know how much I love decorating." She pouted, a quick chuckle leaving her mouth as her daughter laughed.

"I'll leave something for you, okay?" Betty promised her, hoping that would make her feel just a tad better.

"Betty, our cab is here." Jughead gestured outside, a frown forming on his face as he realized that it was really time to go now.

"Get your asses out of here. Text us when you landed safely, alright?" FP told them firmly, already growing worried about everything being alright even though he knew they could take care of themselves.

"First thing we'll do, Dad." Jughead promised with a smile, appreciating the concern.

"I love you two so much. You know that, right?" Alice looked at them with a sad smile on her face, soaking in as much as she could before they'd leave.

"We had a feeling." The boy grinned at her.

"Talk to you soon!" Betty waved again before they walked over to the cab, putted their baggage in the back and stepped into the car. Just a few more seconds before they wouldn't live on Elm Street anymore. Their kids were really growing up. They waited until they were out of sight, until the cab was really gone.

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