20 | Better Left Unsaid

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FP broke his gaze from the television when he head the front door open and saw Alice coming in from her work day. She didn't look so happy though, but by now he knew what to ask her to make her feel a little bit better.

''Welcome home, the kids are out tonight. Care for a drink?'' He smiled to her and already made his way to the kitchen to pour her a glass of wine. 

''Please, I have been waiting for a beer all day.'' She sighed as she pulled off her blazer and threw her heels aside, leaving her barefoot now. 

He laughed as he looked at her when she sat down on the couch. It was definitely not a response he had expected. Whenever she had the chance to drink she had always a glass of wine in her hand but he liked to get to know this other side of her. Clearly she wasn't that easy to read after all. 

''A beer, huh? That's new.'' He raised his eye-brow as she made herself a little more comfortable on the couch. She took both his pillows, but it looked like she needed it so he wouldn't make a sassy comment about that. Maybe later he would, though. 

''What? You didn't expect me to like beer?'' There tugged a little smirk on the corners of her lips, being surprised that he had never thought she was a beer drinker. 

In all honesty, she always had been. It wasn't until she started to get into politics that she started to drink wine. It was a little bit more chique than beer and so it had grown on her. In the end her to go to drinks would always be a good cold beer, scotch and tequila. 

''Yeah, I am surprised.'' He smoothly opened another bottle of beer, grabbed himself a new one too and sat down next to her on the couch. Alice putted the bottle to her mouth immediately and took a big sip, feeling relief flashing over her immediately. 

''Are you watching the Bold and The Beautiful again?'' She raised her eye brown with a big hint of judgement as she was never the biggest fan of soap-opera's. Clearly FP had another opinion on that. 

''Can't a guy have a guilty pleasure?'' He defended himself, elbowing her playfully. 

''That's not what I am paying you for, Forsythe.'' She warned him teasingly. 

Alice had to admit to herself that he was doing his job better than she had expected at first. The house was always clean, his cooking was definitely improving, Betty and Jughead were happy and he had a sixth sense for knowing how to cheer her up. 

Sometimes it was just a little note he left if he was doing groceries or the fact that she had talked about a certain shampoo that smelled like honey that she loved so much and suddenly seeing it in her shower. But most of all it was how she had seen both Jughead and Betty light up these last months. She had taken a risk but she was definitely being rewarded for that. 

''It's not my fault they decided to have Pop's with their friends.'' He commented and won the non-serious argument with the facts. 

''Did you talk to Betty yet?'' He asked her after he had taken a sip from his beer. Last time they had talked about their kids dating it was clear that Alice was struggling with her daughter growing up, so he figured that it was best for them to just have an open conversation about it. 

''About what?'' Alice asked absentmindedly as her eyes were glued to the television. She hated it, but god she wanted to know what happened. FP chuckled as she clearly seemed to have forgotten about it already. 

''About having sex with Jughead? Remember our conversation?'' He hinted on yesterday night where he had shared what Jughead had told him. Alice's face cringed immediately. 

''God, do you have to say it every time?'' She whined and leant back into the couch as she tried to get that image out of her head. 

''It's what they call it, Alice. I didn't make the word up.'' He reasoned with her even when he thought it was hilarious that she could get so worked up over just a word. 

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