4 | Leather Chair

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FP was done finishing making the last few croissants, oblivious to the fact that Alice walked into the kitchen with a big smile on her face. She took a moment to look at him and how he carefully took the French delicacy out of the oven, concentrated to not drop anything. 

It had been just a week, but it was hard to picture this man sitting behind bars. But she wasn't here to let her thoughts wander to the cute guy in her kitchen. That wasn't appropriate and not at all why she came downstairs earlier. 

''Forsythe, can I talk to you for a second?'' She cleared her throat and looked as serious as possible, trying to hide that she was going to bring some good news that would take him over the moon.

''Sure, what is it?'' He answered, without looking up from his task as he was spreading some jam in-between the croissants because Betty loves that so much. 

The contract that she had held behind her back ever since she had printed it was now handed over to him and for the first time this morning he had paused making breakfast to pay attention to what she was giving him. 

''What's this? Are you suing me or something?'' He joked, and browsed through the paper sheets in his hand. 

''It's a living agreement. If you are still up for it, of course. Give it a read, let me know what you think.'' She said softly. 

His eyes grew wide and finally met hers and for reasons she didn't even understand the look in his eyes made chills go over her spine. It was the first time in her life someone had ever looked at her with so much gratefulness, with so much hope. 

Besides that he had proven himself, they somehow had a connection too. There wouldn't be much people she'd accept into her home that easily, but it would make Jughead the most happiest kid on earth and she knew Betty would appreciate it too. 

''Are you serious, Alice?'' He said in disbelief, hoping that she wasn't messing with him.

''I am.'' She assured him and giggled when his smile grew even bigger. 

''I don't know what to say. You're the best, Smith. I owe you big time.'' He grinned and ran around the counter to take her by surprise by wrapping his arms around her, taking her into a warm embrace. 

''Yeah, enough with the hugging.'' She patted his back and he let go. 

Before he could even thank her again, Jughead and Betty came downstairs and raised their eye-brows to ask what all the noise was about. 

''Guess what, Boy? We're staying!'' FP beamed and held his hand out for his son to high five. 

''Seriously? That's fantastic!'' Jughead clapped his hand against his Dad's and looked at Alice with the same big eyes that she had just gotten from her father. There was no doubt about the fact that these two were father and son. 

''Thank you, Mom.'' Betty warped her arm around her mother and Alice did the same. She rested her head against her daughters as she looked at the two boys who had trouble expressing their happiness. 

''You're welcome, Betty. He's pretty alright.'' Alice smiled to her daughter.

Maybe things would finally get back to normal. Maybe both Betty and Jughead would have a stable life now. 


Alice had looked on the internet for hours and finally got what she was looking for. Her conversation with FP had been stuck in her mind ever since he told her that Gladys could keep his chair, but she had read in his eyes that he was bumped out by that nonetheless. 

With her laptop in her hands she walked over to the couch and sat down next to him, snapping him out of his concentration. Not that he was doing something important though, he had just been watching some soap opera that Alice didn't know the name of. 

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