Pitstop At the Larvi-Nest

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes get ready to leave New Bark Town, but Professor Elm stops them. "Ash wait!"
Ash looked over, seeing Professor Elm with a shiny Larvitar.
"Ash, I'm so sorry, but I need some help. Can you take this little one to Mt Silver?"Professor Elm asks, Ash nods and Elm gives Ash a map for directions, and a picture of Mt Silver.
Ash teleports there with Brock, Misty, Pikachu, Eevee, the Toge-Twins, and Larvitar to Mt Silver.

"I am never getting used to that." Misty said. Ash nods absentmindedly, while searching for Larvitar's mother,
Larvitar finding her quickly, Ash let's the little pokemon go to his mother. The two hug lovingly, but a large net ensnares them.
Of course, it's Team Rocket.
Ash was clearly getting annoyed, Ash has Eevee free Larvitar and Tyranitar with Iron Tail and Pikachu blast Team Rocket off with Thunderbolt.

Some other pokemon saw the scene, which were a Sentret, a Dunsparce,
a Swinub, and a Skarmory. The four, Tyranitar, and Larvitar were clearly impressed with Ash. They approach Ash and the four witnesses and Larvitar wishes to travel with Ash, Tyranitar agreeing with Larvitar, but as long as they visit. Ash agrees to have them.
Ash scans them.

[Sentret, the Scout Pokemon.
When acting as a lookout, it warns others of danger by screeching and hitting the ground with its tail. This Sentret is level 25 with the Ability Keen Eye and knows the moves Foresight, Defense Curl, Fury Swipes,
Helping Hand, Slam, Slash*Egg Move*,
Iron Tail*Egg Move*, and Double-Edge *Egg Move *]

[Skarmory, the Armor Bird Pokemon.
A Pokémon that has a body and wings of steel. People in the past used feathers fallen from Skarmory to make swords and knives. This Skarmory is level 53 with the Ability Sturdy and knows the moves Steel Wing, Air Cutter, Swift, Spikes, Agility,
Metal Sound, Slash, Night Slash, Fury Attack, Air Slash, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Drill Peck*Egg Move*, Brave Bird*Egg Move*, and Sky Attack*Egg Move*]

[Dunsparce, the Land Snake Pokemon.
Its drill-tipped tail is used to burrow into the ground backwards. This Pokémon is known to make its nest in complex shapes deep under the ground. This Dunsparce is level 55 with the Ability Serene Grace and knows the moves Body Slam, Ancient Power, Yawn,Air Slash, Dragon Rush, Drill Run, Dig, Toxic, Double-Edge, Trump Card*Egg Move*, Bide*Egg Move*, and Hex*Egg Move*]

[Swinub, the Pig Pokemon.
It has a very sensitive nose. It can locate mushrooms, berries, and even hot springs buried under ice.
This Swinub is level 25 with the Ability Thick Fat and knows the moves Ice Shard, Mud Slap, Endure,
Double-Edge*Egg Move*, Fissure *Egg Move*, Icicle Crash*Egg Move*, and Freeze-dry*Egg Move*]

[Larvitar, the Rock Skin Pokemon.
Raised on nutrients it finds in the dirt, it eats roughly a mountain's worth of dirt before it becomes a pupa.
This Larvitar is level 25 with the Ability Sand Veil and knows the moves Rock Slide, Payback, Bite, Hidden Power, Dig, Sandstorm, Screech, Stomping Tantrum, Dark Pulse, Stomp*Egg Move*, and Ancient Power*Egg Move*]

Ash pets the little Larvitar and he teleports back to New Bark Town,
explaining what happened at Mt Silver to Professor Elm, who was supportive of Ash having Larvitar and the gang heads off to the next town.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Two

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