Better Eight Than Never

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

In the crack of dawn the next day, our heroes arrives at Blackthorn City, Ho-Oh landing near some trees.

"Thank you Ho-Oh." Ash thanks, Ho-Oh nods and flies away, most likely to do something important for a legendary pokemon.

Ash gets a phone call from Professor Oak, saying the area where the pokemon he keeps for other trainers is getting a bit too full.

Ash agrees to take the Johto pokemon he left with him and transfer them to Professor Elm. Maybe he'll do the same for every professor in each region so each pokemon has somewhere to go.

Luckily, Professor Elm was more than happy to help. Ash thanked the two professors, starting his training.

An hour later, Ash sees Team Rocket with a look bag and a blue haired woman chasing them.

Phanpy, Teddiursa, Bonsly, Houndour, and Pupitar all chase them and they all evolve, attacking to make them blast off again. Ash hugs and scans his newly evolved pokemon.

[Donphan, the Armor Pokemon and the evolved form of Phanpy.
Because this Pokémon's skin is so tough, a normal attack won't even leave a scratch on it.
This Donphan is level 50 and knows the moves Earth Power, Rollout, Assurance, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Gyro Ball, Defense Curl, Giga Impact, Superpower, Earthquake, Bulldoze, Thunder Fang, Fire Fang, Protect, Hidden Power, Rapid Spin, Hyper Beam, Ancient Power*Egg Move*, Body Slam*Egg Move*, Play Rough*Egg Move*, Head Smash*Egg Move*, Head Smash*Egg Move*, Heavy Slam*Egg Move*, and Fissure*Egg Move*]

[Ursaring, the Hibernator Pokemon and the evolved form of Teddiursa.
Although it has a large body, it is quite skilled at climbing trees. It eats and sleeps in the treetops.
This Ursaring is level 60 with the new Ability Guts and knows the moves Hammer Arm, Swords Dance, Roar, Aerial Ace, Focus Blast, Shadow Claw, Rest, Snore, Sleep Talk, Rock Slide, Swagger, Earthquake, Scary Face, Stone Edge, Facade, Chip Away*Egg Move*, Metal Claw*Egg Move*, Play Rough*Egg Move*, Close Combat*Egg Move*, Cross Chop*Egg Move*, Crunch*Egg Move*, Night Slash*Egg Move*, and Double-Edge*Egg Move*]

[Sudowoodo, the Imitation Pokemon and the evolved form of Bonsly.
If a tree branch shakes when there is no wind, it's a Sudowoodo, not a tree. It hides from the rain.
This Sudowoodo is level 52 and knows the moves Head Smash, Double-Edge, Helping Hand, Stealth Rock, Sucker Punch, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Focus Punch, Mega Punch, Sandstorm, Brick Break, Body Slam, Mimic, Rock Slide, Flail, Low Kick, Wood Hammer, Stone Edge, Counter, Rock Tomb, Fake Tears, Endure*Egg Move*, Headbutt*Egg Move*, Harden*Egg Move*, and Rock Polish*Egg Move*]

[Houndoom, the Dark Pokemon and the evolved form of Houndour.
The pungent-smelling flame that shoots from its mouth results from toxins burning in its body.
This Houndoom is level 60 knows the moves Fire Blast, Sunny Day, Solarbeam, Double Team, Uproar, Hyper Beam, Toxic, Roar, Fire Fang, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Swagger, Laser Focus, Torment, Sludge Bomb, Payback, Super Fang, Flamethrower, Throat Chop, Heat Wave, Crunch, Flame Charge, Inferno, Iron Tail, Snarl, Dark Pulse, Fire Spin*Egg Move*, Counter*Egg Move*, Thunder Fang*Egg Move*, and Sucker Punch*Egg Move*]

[Tyranitar, the Armor Pokemon and the evolved form of Pupitar.
In just one of its mighty hands, it has the power to make the ground shake and mountains crumble
This Tyranitar is level 75 with the new ability Sand Stream and knows the moves Rock Slide, Earthquake, Assurance, Hyper Beam, Thunderbolt, Outrage, Payback, Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Fire Punch, Mega Punch, Shadow Claw, Stone Edge, Iron Head, Earth Power, Sandstorm, Dragon Dance, Dragon Claw, Iron Tail, Flamethrower, Iron Defense, Crunch, Heavy Slam, Dark Pulse, Stomp*Egg Move*, and Ancient Power*Egg Move*]

The woman grabs the loot bag and looks inside, which has TRs of Dragon type moves.

"Good, there all here. Thank you for your help." She thanked Ash.
"You're welcome. They're Team Rocket. They tend to attempt to steal stuff or pokemon. So be careful."

The woman nods and offers a hand shake. "I'm Clair, the gym leader of Blackthorn City." Ash shakes it, thankful he learned the handshake offer from watching Brock.

"I'm Ash Ketchum." Clair looks surprised and smirks. "Kanto and Orange Islands champion Ash Ketchum?" Ash nods at the question and answers "My pokemon did the battling, so they definitely deserve credit."

Clair nods and asks "Are you here for a gym battle?" Ash nods and Brock and the others caught up.
"Ash, you should let us know when you'll be further away." Brock said.

Ash nods and apologizes. Brock starts to fall in love with Clair, but one Megahorn from his Rhydon quickly stops his attempts to woo the gym leader.

Everyone then goes to the gym.
"This will be a six on six battle. You can substitute pokemon. That sound good?" Clair says, Ash nodding at this.

Clair brings out a Gyarados and Ash brings out Typhlosion, who ends it with Thunder Punch and Eruption.

Next was Tyranitar, Ash sends out Meganium, who one shots it with Petal Dance after dodging Dragon Claw after Dragon Claw.

Next was a Dragonair, Feraligatr comes out. Dragonair goes for Dragon Rush, but Feraligatr stops it with an Ice Fang then using Hydro Pump, knocking out the serpentine like pokemon with ease.

Next was another Dragonair, Togetic was next, dodging each Flamethrower Dragonair used, using a combo of Aerial Ace and Dazzling Gleam to take out this Dragonair.

The next has changed to a double battle. Clair has a Dragonite and Kingdra while Ash brings out Pikachu and Eevee.

They use Water Pulse and Dragon Pulse, but Pikachu and Eevee sends them all back with Iron Tail and they both use Swift, hitting them hard, but not knocking them out yet.

Pikachu then uses Volt Tackle and Eevee surrounds it with Trump Cards for extra damage. The dragon pokemon were too slow to dodge it, giving Ash the victory.

Clair was clearly shocked. Lance then came out with his Dragonite.

"Hey Ash! I see you've beaten Clair! Great work. It looks like you got the last badge, right?" Lance said, Clair gulps and sighs in defeat.

"Yeah, you weren't lying about him Lance..He's unbeatable. And that's for a good reason. You earned these."
Clair gives Ash the Rising Badge and two TRs, one for Dragon Claw and the other for Dragon Pulse.

"How about I take you guys to the league in my jet?" Lance offered, the gang nods in agreement and our heroes are off to the Silver Conference.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Twenty Two

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