Insecurities and Sunshine

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Ash was having trouble sleeping tonight due to nightmares of his mother's abuse.

Pikachu, Eevee, and Togetic notices this and they cuddle up to Ash lovingly, clearly worried about him, Gloom joining when she saw the three with Ash, also being worried.

"Thank you guys.. You know, I try to hide my fear and anxiety infront of others... I feel like I'll never be good enough for anyone..."

Pikachu and the other three hugs and cuddles Ash more, Ash smiling at them. He was always grateful for the pokemon he met and has for their hard work and determination.

"You know, I'm so happy I have you all." Ash said with a smile. "Maybe we should start training early?"
Pikachu and the other three nods at this.

Ash grabs Marill and Slugma along with his usual training equipment, hoping to catch them up with the others and walks to the beach outside.

They all start with learning some new moves, Pikachu learning Endure, Mega Punch, Electric Terrain, and Volt Switch, Eevee learning Retaliate, Facade, and Attract, Togetic learning Drain Punch, Water Pulse, Heat Wave,
Defog, and Heal Bell, and Gloom learning Moonlight, Growth, Safeguard and Solar Beam.

Ash finds a Sun Stone, smiling since Gloom had said she wanted to be a Bellossom someday, now that he has a Sun Stone, it's completely possible now.

Ash sees Team Rocket, having Brock's Golbat and Onix, Brock running after said team, Ash follows, knowing the situation easily.

Ash can see a part of the containment unit where Onix is in has the material specifically for a Metal Coat, an evolutionary item that can evolve it.

The sun is starting to rise, Golbat and Onix start to evolve, Ash drops the Sun Stone by accident, Gloom grabs it and also starts evolving.

Brock's now Steelix smashes the containment units, Brock's Crobat zips out of the way of Team Rocket, and Bellossom uses Sunny Day and then Solar Beam, making them blast off yet again. Ash scans Bellossom after making sure everyone is okay.

[Bellossom, the Flower Pokemon and an evolved form of Gloom. Bellossom gather at times and appear to dance. They say that the dance is a ritual to summon the sun. This Bellossom is level 50 and knows the moves Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard, Moonblast, Moonlight, Venoshock, Sweet Scent, Play Rough, Dazzling Gleam, Seed Bomb, Leaf Blade, Giga Drain, Acid, Magical Leaf, Quiver Dance, Protect, Leaf Storm, Bullet Seed, Sludge Bomb, Swords Dance, Stun Spore, Sleep Powder,Poison Powder, Growth, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Nature Power*Egg Move*, Strength Sap*Egg Move, and Razor Leaf*Egg Move*]

"Thanks Ash, Bellossom, I owe you guys." Brock thanked, petting his new Steelix. Ash smiles shyly and says "N-no problem."

Brock seems curious and asks "Hey Ash, how come you never talk about your family?" Ash was shocked by this question, not knowing how to answer.

How will our heroes react to Ash's family dynamics and his past?

We might be able to find out.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Eighteen.

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