Flashbacks, Eclipse, & Evolutions

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

The next day after Ash's third gym win, our heroes arrive at National Park on the way to Ecruteak City.
Ash thinks about his Kanto journey battles against their Elite Four after the Indigo Conference, since he had the honor of challenging the Elite Four to be the true champion. He won against all of them, which is not surprising thanks to his habit of training hard and often.

Normally, people would have to transfer to a different region's league to participate, but if you're a champion, in a professor class, or both, you can still be a champion in the previous region and win more champion titles.

He knows he needs to train extra hard to take down the other leagues, so he manages to find two Moon Stones and decides to eventually evolve his Clefairy and Jigglypuff since he didnt have any spare Moon Stones at the time, . Before he could do that, he needs to train some of his other pokemon first. The two were fine with waiting for their evolution.

"Hey Ash, did you hear today will have a solar eclipse? Oh it would be so lovely to see." Misty gushed, Ash wonders how it would work if an Eevee tries to evolve into Espeon or Umbreon, since their pokemon that evolve depend on what time it is.

"Interesting.." Ash said, bringing out his other two Eevee, petting them.
He then brings out Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw, and Tyrogue.
Ash starts their training, but then Team Rocket snatches Bayleef, Quilava, Croconaw, Tyrogue, and the two Eevees in an electric cage.

"Guys!" Ash was clearly worried. The eclipse has now started as they all attack the ceiling of the cage to get free, they all start to evolve.
"Uh oh. That's not good!" Jessie, James, and Meowth exclaimed, our heroes surprised by this. They become Meganium, Typhlosion, Feraligatr, Hitmontop, Espeon, and Umbreon, the female, not the one Ash got from Professor Oak, becomes Espeon and the male becomes Umbreon.

(Author's note:I don't know if that can happen in the games or anime, but I think it would be awesome and pretty sure the anime had weirder stuff)

"So it's random during an eclipse, fascinating." Brock said.
Ash scans them all.

[Meganium, the Herb Pokemon and the evolved form of Bayleef.
Anyone who stands beside it becomes refreshed, just as if they were relaxing in a sunny forest. This Meganium is level 85 and knows the moves Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard, Safeguard,
Razor Leaf, Poison Powder, Body Slam, Magical Leaf, Synthesis, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Reflect, Sweet Scent, Aromatherapy, Light Screen, Energy Ball, Body Slam, Giga Drain, Seed Bomb, Grass Pledge, Frenzy Plant, Vine Whip*Egg Move*, Heal Pulse*Egg Move*, Ancient Power*Egg Move*, Grass Whistle*Egg Move*, and Leaf Storm*Egg Move*]

[Typhlosion, the Volcano Pokemon and the evolved form of Quilava.
When heat from its body causes the air around it to shimmer, this is a sign that it is ready to battle. This Typhlosion is level 85 and knows the moves Eruption, Inferno, Rock Slide,
Lava Plume, Flame Wheel, Flame Charge, Quick Attack, Double Team, Swift, Heat Wave, Earthquake, Fire Pledge, Smokescreen, Flamethrower, Focus Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Blast Burn, Double-Edge *Egg Move*, Flame Burst*Egg Move*, Extrasensory *Egg Move*, Crush Claw*Egg Move, Double Kick*Egg Move*, and Flare Blitz *Egg Move*]

[Feraligatr, the Big Jaw Pokemon and the evolved form of Croconaw. Although it has a massive body, its powerful hind legs enable it to move quickly, even on the ground. This Feraligatr is level 85 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Dragon Pulse,
Liquidation, Focus Punch, Agility,
Aqua Tail, Waterfall, Ice Fang, Dragon Claw, Flail, Ice Punch, Aqua Tail, Outrage, Water Pledge, Slash, Outrage, Ice Punch *Egg Move*, Thrash*Egg Move*, Metal Claw*Egg Move *, Aqua Jet*Egg Move*, Crunch *Egg Move*, Dragon Dance*Egg Move*, and Water Pulse*Egg Move*]

[Espeon, the Sun Pokemon and an evolved form of Eevee. It uses the fine hair that covers its body to sense air currents and predict its enemy's actions. This Espeon is level 55 with the new ability Synchronize and knows the moves Psychic, Psybeam,
Trump Card, Double-Edge, Future Sight, Morning Sun, Reflect, Light Screen, Signal Beam, Last Resort, Protect, Zen Headbutt, Helping Hand, Copycat, Covet, Swift, Bite, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Shadow Ball, Dig, Psychic Fangs, Calm Mind, Stored Power, and Double Kick*Egg Move*.

[Umbreon, the Moonlight Pokemon and an evolved form of Eevee. When darkness falls, the rings on the body begin to glow, striking fear in the hearts of anyone nearby. This Umbreon is level 55 with the new ability Synchronize and knows the moves Snarl, Dark Pulse, Trump Card,
Double-Edge, Moonlight, Mean Look,
Helping Hand, Payback, Swift, Foul Play, Throat Chop, Crunch, Hyper Voice, Iron Tail, Psychic, Shadow Ball, Dig, Protect, and Double Kick*Egg Move*.

[Hitmontop, the Handstand Pokemon and an evolved form of Tyrogue.
After doing a handstand to throw off the opponent's timing, it presents its fancy kick moves. This Hitmontop is level 45 with the new ability Intimidate and knows the moves Triple Kick, Low Kick, Rock Slide, Drill Run, Stone Edge, Work Up, Fake Out, Dig, Revenge, Low Sweep, Gyro Ball, Helping Hand, Focus Energy, Bulk Up, Brick Break, Mega Punch, Mega Kick, Close Combat, Bullet Punch*Egg Move*, Counter*Egg Move*, Feint*Egg Move*, Hi Jump Kick*Egg Move*, Mach Punch*Egg Move*, Rapid Spin*Egg Move*,Mind Reader*Egg Move *, and Vacuum Wave*Egg Move*]

Hitmontop uses Drill Run on the cage ceiling, breaking it off and the all get out, glaring at Team Rocket, who flees out of fear.

Meganium glomps onto Ash, as does his other pokemon, following suit.
"Come on guys, let's get going."
The eclipse ends as our heroes head to the road to Ecruteak for the gym.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Thirteen

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