Gettin' The Bugs Out

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrive in the Azaela Gym, ready for Ash's second Johto badge.
A boy with purple hair, a green outfit, and a butterfly net was there.
"Heya! You guys challengers?" He said, Ash steps to him. "I am. I'm Ash."
The boy smiles and shakes his hand.
"Nice to meet the Kanto and Orange Islands champ! I'm Bugsy! I will need my strongest team of four if that's okay." Ash nods and answers "Not a problem."

The two get to the stadium. The referee comes over with Bugsy's pokemon and goes to his position.
"The battle between Ash the challenger and Bugsy the gym leader will begin! Each will use four pokemon each and the battle ends when all of the pokemon on one side is unable to continue! Further more, only the challenger may only substitute pokemon! Battle begin!"

Bugsy smirks and throws a pokeball. "Go Butterfree!" A Butterfree comes out with a "Freeee!" Ash brings out Bayleef. "This will be easy! Use Silver Wind!" Butterfree obeys, letting out many Silver Winds. "Dodge and use Ancient Power Bayleef!" Bayleef dodges and uses a powerful Ancient Power, hitting Buttefree, Bayleef getting stat boosts thanks to the attack. It's down, but not out, as it gets up, panting a bit.
"Butterfree! Are you okay?!" Bugsy call out worriedly. Butterfree nods.
"Great, use Double Team!"
"Oh no you don't! Bayleef, Razor Leaf!" Bayleef was much faster and stronger thanks to Ancient Power, KOing Butterfree with Razor Leaf.

"Butterfree is unable to battle! Bayleef is the winner!" The referee called out, Bayleef tackles Ash, nuzzling him affectionately. Ash laughs a bit. "Hey Bayleef, come on. I gotta finish the battle!" Bugsy returns Butterfree and brings out a Beedrill. Bayleef looks pale from the Beedrill.
"Don't worry, you won't have to battle Beedrill." Ash returns Bayleef to her pokeball and gets up.

"You okay there?!" Bugsy calls out, Ash nods and laughs nervously. "Sorry, Bayleef is very affectionate!" Ash brings out Quilava, which made Bugsy gulp a bit, but he shakes it off. "Beedrill, use Poison Jab!" Beedrill charges at Quilava.
"Quilava, dodge and use Flamethrower!" Quilava obeys and uses Flamethrower, KOing Beedrill.

"Beedrill is unable to battle! Quilava wins!" Bugsy and Ash returns Beedrill and Quilava and brings out Shuckle and Croconaw. Hmm, a Shuckle. They have great defenses, though not the best attack. It might try something.
"Croconaw! Use Water Gun and keep your distance!" Croconaw nods and obeys, Shuckle taking a small amount of damage, though it's noticeable.
"Shuckle, use Rock Slide!" Bugsy ordered, to which Shuckle obeyed.
"Croconaw, dodge and use Aqua Tail!"
Croconaw obeys, dodging the rock slide and whacking Shuckle with Aqua Tail hard, KOing it.

"Shuckle is unable to battle! Croconaw wins!" Croconaw dances a bit, Ash returning Croconaw after thanking him. Bugsy returns Shuckle and pulls out another pokeball.
"I gotta say, you're really good! You're not the champion of two areas for no good reason! But your reign will end today with Scizor!" Bugsy declares, bringing out a powerful Scizor.
"Pikachu, go!" Ash called, Pikachu entering the battlefield.
"Scizor, X-Scissor!" Bugsy called out and to which Scizor obeys. "Dodge and use Double Team Pikachu!" Ash commanded, to which Pikachu obeys, making many double teams.
"Scizor, use Swords Dance!" Scizor nodded and obeys, his Attack stat rising. "Thunderbolt!" Ash called out, Pikachu using Thunderbolt on Scizor, to which Scizor barely keeps going from fainting.
"X-Scissor!" "Volt Tackle!" Their trainers ordered, to which the two obey, but Pikachu was faster and knocks out Scizor.

"Scizor is unable to battle! Pikachu wins! And the victor goes to Ash thr challenger!" The referee announced.
Pikachu runs to Ash, hopping in his arms and they hug. Bugsy walks over.
"I'm very impressed. I should've known I'd lose to a champion. Anyways, a win is a win. Here you are.
The Hive Badge. Along with a TM for U-Turn and a TR for X-Scissor." He says, handing said items to Ash, who replies with "Thank you."
Kurt approaches Ash while clapping.
"Ash, I saw the battle and you have a great bond with your pokemon. As promised, here are the special pokeballs, and quite a large quantity for getting rid of Team Rocket for me."
Kurt hands him ninety of each special pokeball he usually makes.

Ash takes them with a smile and says "Thank you Kurt." Kurt nods and hands him an Apricorn box, saying "I forgot to give this to you back at the house. Another token of my appreciation. There's also an apriblender in there to make Aprijuice." Kurt explains, Pikachu looking interested with the Aprijuice.
"Thank you Kurt. I'll see you later."
And so the second badge has been claimed, he sends Pineco to Professor Oak and the stop is at Goldenrod City.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Eight

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