Silver Conference and Victories

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

In the morning, our heroes arrive at the Silver Conference, where Ash and the others meets a trainer from Hoenn, Harrison, and his Blaziken.

They also bumped into Gary, who was shockingly not as cocky as he usually is, which puzzles Ash, but is at least grateful for that. Maybe he had a big loss?

"Hey Ash, are you gonna go to Hoenn after the league here?" Harrison asks, to which Ash nods.

"Great! I have a friend named Tyson there, he's really strong. Maybe you'll meet at the Hoenn League." Harrison informed.

"Really? That sounds interesting. I hope to meet him." Ash said, petting Pikachu lovingly.

Ash battled and beat everyone else with ease, making it to the Champion Tournament, also beating the others with ease for the most part.

Now we're at the final round, Gary vs Ash. Ash notices that Gary was much more humble even before and after the previous battles. This was it.

Ash's Togetic and Gary's Fearow has a hell of an air battle, Fearow chasing after Togetic with Fury Attack, but one Aerial Ace gets Fearow out of the air.

Next was Gary's Kingler and Ash sends out Meganium. Kingler went for the one hit knock out move, Guillotine, but Meganium stops Kingler with Petal Dance, knocking it out easily.

Gary then sends out a Scizor and Ash his Typhlosion. Scizor uses Double Team, but Typhlosion mows them all down with a Flame Wheel and blasts Scizor to the other side of the field with Eruption.

Gary brings out Magmar and Ash with Feraligatr. They exchanged Fire and Ice Punches, but Feraligatr came out on top with Hydro Pump when Magmar was knocked back by his last Ice Punch, doing a victory dance.

Gary has an Umbreon next and Ash has Eevee out. They clashed Iron Tails at very power rates. Umbreon uses Bite on Eevee's tail, but now couldn't dodge her Swift, which made it let go.
Eevee then made a Trump Card and Swift tornado, sweeping away Umbreon out of the battle field.

Last was Pikachu and Blastoise.
First, Gary had Blastoise use Rain Dance, but Pikachu uses Thunder, hitting Blastoise hard, but it wasnt out yet, letting out a powerful Hydro Pump. Pikachu manages to catch his breath and they exchange blows with Quick Attack and Skull Bash, but they seemed to be getting tired after another few Hydro Pumps and Thunders. Pikachu uses Volt Tackle and the arena is filled with smoke.

When it cleared, Pikachu was on top of Blastoise, panting, but is the clear winner.

After the awards ceremony, Ash goes out to see Gary.

"Hey Ash, we need to talk." Gary said, Ash shocked, not being called "Ashy Boy" by Gary was peculiar.

"What is it?" Ash asked, Gary sighs.
"Ash...I'm sorry I was an asshole.. I was just so jealous and confused that Gramps liked you over me more..but..
Seeing you win battle after battle easily...really made me see...that Autism isnt always going to be a hindrance to success.. It could even be a big help with it. I hadn't realized it since I saw some more trainers with disabilities doing well as trainers.."

Ash was shocked, but Gary wasnt done. "I now know and am damn well glad I was wrong about you. I hope we can...maybe..start over? If not, I understand. "

Ash smiled and offers a handshake, then saying "I'd love to have you as a friend. Just dont do it again. And I think you'll need to hand out more apologies."

Gary smiles and shook hands with Ash. "Yeah..I know...You know..I think I'll be a researcher like Gramps. After all, I'll be the next junior professor easily." Ash laughed at this and says "It's not easy, trust me."

They shared a laugh, funny stories, and had a great time.

A week went by, Ash defeated the Johto Elite Four and is Champion there too. He goes home to Pallet Town, where Professor Oak was waiting for him.

"My boy, are you heading to Hoenn?" Ash nods, Professor Oak hands him a new outfit and hat.

"It wouldnt hurt to change it up. Oh and I managed to get you a Hoenn Pokedex." The good professor said, Ash smiles.

After a bit, he changes, which he now where's a red, black, and green cap, a black and blue hoodie, some new pants, new shoes, and a new backpack.

Ash had a phone call with Morty and Falkner, who decided to explore Kanto, just the two of them.

"Man Ash, you're a great trainer. Thanks for not objecting for us not traveling with you anymore." Morty said. Ash smiled and said "It's okay. Glad to see Falkner is now your boyfriend."

The two blushes a lot and the three shares a laugh. Misty is also not gonna go. She wants to be the gym leader to Cerulean City again, Ash understands completely.

Brock decides to keep traveling with Ash, but leaves most of his pokemon, except Vulpix and Forretress to the Pewter City gym.

An old chapter ends, but a new one begins in Hoenn.
As the journey continues.

The End (of this saga)

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