The Great Horns

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((I know I know! I'm very sorry this and the My Hero Academia story is being slow! But due to writer's block, a small fault of the lockdown*its a bit complicated*, family stuff, my birthday a month ago and being preoccupied with some of my new video games I got for said birthday, I hadn't had much time to update. I'm sorry, I'll try to be a bit better with the story updates. For anyone who is curious on why I put a list of Ash's pokemon, levels, stats, and abilities, it's so you, the reader can catch up with their training progress. I had a comment that asked the same question, so this explanation will be here so you all will know why. And if anyone is wondering why none of Ash's pokemon has the ability Pressure, I dont know how it would work in the anime since I dont think Power Points or PP exist there.
Again, sorry for the delays.))

(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes have a quick lunch break, Falkner was very impressed with Brock's cooking. Ash gets back Slowpoke, Gloom, Poliwhirl, and Golbat. Ash sees two young Stantler, one of which was shiny and a Girafarig, they were clearly injured. Ash went to them, having a soothing aura that made the three calm down, Brock went over to help the pokemon as well.

Brock took care of one of the Stantlers
and Ash helped the other Stantler and Girafarig. Ash feeds the two some pokemon food he made and Brock fed the Stantler he helped.
<Thank you..> The Girafarig said softly.
Ash pets the Stantler and Girafarig and they explained some poachers were after them. Ash was horrified and utterly disgusted, saying "Those people are snakes. You three don't deserve their cruelty." The two decides to be with Ash and the other Stantler wants to be with Brock. Everyone agree to this. Ash scans his Stantler and Girafarig.

[Stantler, the Big Horn Pokemon.
The round balls found on the fallen antlers can be ground into a powder that aids in sleeping.
This Stantler is level 30 with the Ability Sap Sipper and knows the moves Hypnosis, Stomp, Sand Attack,
Take Down, Confuse Ray, Calm Mind, Zen Headbutt, Signal Beam, Psychic, Dream Eater, Extrasensory*Egg Move*, Thrash*Egg Move*, and Megahorn*Egg Move *]

[Girafarig, the Long Neck Pokemon.
When it is in danger, its tail uses some sort of mysterious powers to drive away the enemy. This Girafarig is level 40 with the Ability Inner Focus and knows the moves Zen Headbutt,
Stomp, Assurance, Agility, Double Hit, Psybeam, Crunch, Psychic, Signal Beam, Double Kick*Egg Move*, Wish*Egg Move*, Psychic Fangs*Egg Move*, Razor Wind*Egg Move*, Mirror Coat*Egg Move*, and Future Sight*Egg Move*]

The two explain that their families have taught them many of their moves, mainly Signal Beam, Zen Headbutt, Psychic, and a few others.
Unsurprisingly, Team Rocket decides
to ambush our heroes.
"Prepare for Tro-" Jessie was quickly interrupted by Ash having Pikachu use Thunderbolt, making them blast off yet again.

"Woah. Nice work Pikachu!" Misty cheered, Ash petting Pikachu, who let out a "Chaa!" happily.
Falkner smiled a bit, thinking.
I wish I was as brave as Ash and Morty...I miss him.

Ash noticed the thought and whispers to Falkner "Who's Morty?"
Falkner was a bit surprised, but remembers Ash can read minds.

"H-he's my best friend..s-since preschool.." Falkner answers shyly with a small blush.

Ash smiles a bit, saying "I have a very special friend too. Though he lives in Unova. I made a bet with his mother if I can beat the leagues in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and the Orange Islands, then I can go to Unova. His mom doesn't like me very much.."
Falkner was a bit shocked. How can someone not like Ash? He was a great trainer and a great person.

Our heroes continue to go to the route to Azaela Town.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Five.

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