Raging Lake

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes arrives at Mahogany Town, infront of the gym, a letter on it. It reads "I apologize, but I am away for training. I will be back the day after tomorrow."

"That's too bad..Oh well. I can't blame him. Me and my pokemon could do some training anyways."Ash said, Pikachu and Eevee nodding.

"Maybe we could check out the Lake of Rage? It's a popular place to find Magikarp and Gyarados." Morty offers.

"That could help with training, that sounds good." Ash answers.

Misty rearranges her team, which is now Psyduck, Poliwhirl, Magikarp, Togepi, and her two Shellders while Ash sends Clefable and Wigglytuff back to Professor Oak.

"Hey Ash, I need to borrow a Water Stone or two." Ash turns to Misty when she said that. "Oh, you want to evolve your Shellders?" He questioned.

"Well, one of them and Poliwhirl. I always wanted a Poliwrath, so I need a Water Stone for both of them." Misty explains.

Ash thinks for a bit and says "What does Poliwhirl wanna be?" Misty looks puzzled. Ash elaborates with "Poliwhirl can either be a Poliwrath or a Politoed." Misty was surprised.

"What's a Politoed?" She asks, Ash shows Misty a picture of a Politoed.

Misty seems confused, but smiles a bit. "You know, it's actually pretty cute. I haven't really thought about what Poliwhirl wanted to be.."

Misty brings out her Poliwhirl.
"Poliwhirl, I'm sorry..I should've asked you if you even wanted to evolve..I feel awful.." Poliwhirl hugs Misty.

<It's okay. I wanna be a Politoed!>
Ash translates this and Misty smiles.
"Politoed it is. Wait, how do you evolve into a Politoed?"

Ash digs out two King's Rocks and hands one to Misty. "It needs a King's Rock. I have an extra one. My Poliwhirl wants to be one too."

Misty thanked him, taking the item.
Ash brings out his own Poliwhirl and they evolve them into Politoed. Ash scans them.

[Politoed, the Frog Pokemon and an evolved form of Poliwhirl.
Whenever three or more of these get together, they sing in a loud voice that sounds like bellowing.
This Politoed is level 55 and know the moves Hydro Pump, Hyper Voice, Psychic, Rain Dance, Hail, Weather Ball, Bounce, Earth Power, Double Slap, Body Slam, Hypnosis, Bubble Beam, Ice Punch, Brick Break, Dig, Muddy Water, Metronome, Scald, Mud Bomb, Swagger, Low Kick, Ice Beam,Focus Punch, Wake-Up Slap, Body Slam, Surf, Mind Reader*Egg Move*,Water Pulse*Egg Move*, and Ice Ball*Egg Move*]

Misty's has Swagger, Water Gun, Mega Punch, Headbutt, Double Slap, Body Slam, Icy Wind, and Water Pulse, which was an egg move.

Misty hugs her new Politoed happily,
she and the others head to the Lake of Rage, Misty letting out her Shellders and Magikarp out to swim. Ash let's out Swinub and Slowpoke and starts training.

A wild shiny Gyarados rises out of the lake, Misty's shiny Shellder clamps on Ash's Slowpoke's head, causing it to evolve into Slowking.

Lance, of the Kanto Elite Four appears, having his Dragonite attack the Gyarados with a Thunder Punch and he catches the Gyarados.

"Lance! Look out!" Ash calls out, another Gyarados, not shiny, goes after Lance with an Ice Fang, Swinub evolving into Piloswine and uses Giga Impact on it, KOing it. Ash scans his new pokemon.

[Slowking, the Royal Pokemon and an evolved form of Slowpoke.
Every time it yawns, Shellder injects more poison into it. The poison makes it more intelligent.
This Slowking is level 55 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Psychic, Stored Power, Ice Beam, Shadow Ball, Earthquake, Trump Card, Scald, Amnesia, Protect, Rain Dance, Mega Punch, Ice Punch, Swift, Water Pulse, Blizzard, Heal Pulse, Power Gem, Headbutt, Zen Headbutt, Surf, Safeguard, and Future Sight]

[Piloswine, the Swine Pokemon and the evolved form of Swinub.
Although its legs are short, its rugged hooves prevent it from slipping, even on icy ground.
This Piloswine is level 60 and knows the moves Ice Shard, Ice Fang, Hail, Mud Shot, Rock Slide, Sandstorm, Blizzard, Endure, Mist, Earthquake, Dig, Rest, Giga Impact, Protect, Icicle Spear, Snore, Avalanche, Ice Beam, Earth Power, Superpower, Stone Edge, Double-Edge*Egg Move*, Fissure *Egg Move*, Icicle Crash*Egg Move*, and Freeze-dry*Egg Move*]

Lance and his Dragonite lands infront of Ash. "Ash, great to see you Champ!"
They shake hands.

"Man, you're gonna give the Johto Elite Four a run for their money." Lance said, Ash looking modest.

After introductions about Ash's traveling friends, Team Rocket appears, using a robot, grabbing Lance's Dragonite and insults Misty's Magikarp, calling it weak.

This caused it to get mad and evolve into Gyarados. Team Rocket gulps nervously as it whips the robotic arm with Aqua Tail and Hyper Beams them, making them blast off again.

Misty hugs Gyarados, the pokemon nuzzling Misty rather cutely, Ash smiling at this.

Our heroes head to the Mahogany Pokemon Center, getting ready for the gym battle with Pryce.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Twenty

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