Sport Spirit, Illusions, & Hunters

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes walk on the way to Cherrygrove City through a nature trail. They meet a loud and ambitious girl named Casey who loves baseball, a big fan of the baseball team, the Electabuzz.

After agreeing to see each other soon, the gang heads off, and they find a shiny hunter, trying to get a shiny Hoothoot, a shiny Spinarak, and a shiny Ledyba.
Ash just face palms, instead of at least trying to throw a pokeball or battle the pokemon, he's trying things like nets and other traps.

The shiny hunter explained he needed to catch at least one more shiny pokemon to try to find out why shiny pokemon are the way they are.
However, Ledyba made some punches, Spinarak ties him with Strong Shot, and Hoothoot uses Hypnosis to make illusions to distract him. Ash gives the three some food, as he noticed they were rather thin.
The three joins Ash and he scans the three.

[Hoothoot, the Owl Pokemon.It cries out at the same time every day. A long time ago, people cherished it and considered it a divine messenger sent to tell the time. This Hoothoot is level 41 with the Ability Keen Eye and knows the moves Peck, Echoed Voice, Psychic, Hypnosis, Moonblast, Extrasensory, Roost, Take Down, Dream Eater, Reflect, Light Screen,
Calm Mind, Stored Power, Feather Dance*Egg Move*, and Night Shade*Egg Move]

[Spinarak, the String Spit Pokemon.
The web it spins can be considered its second nervous system. It is said that a Spinarak determines its prey by the tiny vibrations it feels through the web. This Spinarak is level 30 with the Ability Swarm and knows the moves Signal Beam, String Shot, Poison Sting, Spider Web, Bug Bite,
Infestation, Electroweb, Scary Face, Night Shade, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Twineedle*Egg Move*, Night Slash*Egg Move*, Sonic Boom*Egg Move*, Psybeam*Egg Move*, and Megahorn*Egg Move*]

[Ledyba, the Five Star Pokemon.
When the weather turns cold, lots of Ledyba gather from everywhere to cluster and keep each other warm.
This Ledyba is level 30 with the Ability Swarm and knows the moves Silver Wind, Mach Punch, Swift,
Comet Punch, Agility, Supersonic,
Safeguard, Light Screen, Reflect, Double Team, Bug Bite, Drain Punch, Focus Punch, Dizzy Punch*Egg Move*,
Psybeam*Egg Move*, Bide*Egg Move*, and Bug Buzz*Egg Move*]

Misty was freaked out with Spinarak, Ash sighs and returns Spinarak, Ledyba, and Hoothoot in their pokeballs.
Ash decides to withdraw Chansey, Scyther, two of the Eevees, the male and one of the females, Tyrogue, Seadra, and Onix.

The gang goes to the Cherrygrove Pokemon Center and Ash went to the beach area and catches a Mantyke, a Corsola, and a Chinchou. He scans them.

[Mantyke, the Kite Pokemon.
It's highly friendly and easily tamed. Tours that take people swimming with Mantyke are a super-popular beach activity. This Mantyke is level 36 with the Ability Swift Swim and knows the moves Supersonic, Wing Attack, Bubble Beam, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Agility, Headbutt, Air Slash, Mirror Coat*Egg Move*, and
Twister*Egg Move*]

[Chinchou, the Angler Pokemon.
On the dark ocean floor, its only means of communication is its constantly flashing lights. This Chinchou is level 32 with the Ability Volt Absorb and knows the moves Water Gun, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Spark,Bubble Beam, Thunder Wave, Confuse Ray, Discharge, Aqua Ring, Signal Beam, Psybeam*Egg Move*, Soak*Egg Move*, and Water Pulse*Egg Move*]

[Corsola, the Coral Pokemon.
It will regrow any branches that break off its head. People keep particularly beautiful Corsola branches as charms to promote safe childbirth. This
Corsola is level 55 with the Ability Natural Cure and knows the moves
Bubble Beam, Endure, Recover, Aqua Ring, Iron Defense, Rock Blast, Ancient Power, Spike Cannon, Power Gem, Earth Power, Mirror Coat, Head Smash*Egg Move*, and Water Pulse*Egg Move*]

Misty was clearly jealous of Ash's new pokemon so she goes fishing and she manages to catch a Chinchou and Mantyke of her own.

The current parties of Brock and Misty are
Brock: Onix, Golbat, Vulpix, Victreebel, Rhydon, and Raticate.

Misty:Togepi, Psyduck, Starmie, Poliwag, Chinchou, and Mantyke.
She left Vaporeon, Lapras, Horsea, and Magikarp in the Cerulean Gym.

They go to the forest that leads to Violet City, however, it's known for having illusions, but Ash brings out Hoothoot to clear the way of said illusions. Gary bumps into them with a Hoothoot in tow.

"Well well, if it isn't Ashy boy? Didn't know you'd actually come to Johto." Gary said in a taunting manner. Ash just rolled his eyes and goes around him, but Gary stops him with "I demand a battle!"
Ash sighs and says "Pikachu, let's get this over with." They beat Gary and his Eevee with ease and the gang leaves, Ash rubbing the bridge of his nose to help dampen the anger.
They make it out of the forest and are en route to Violet City.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Three

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