Secret At The Lighthouse

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes are enroute to the Olivine Pokemon Center, Ash withdrawing Gloom, Slowpoke, Pineco, and Poliwhirl. Ash had Pineco be with the Professor due to him needing Pineco's help. At least they got to see the previous gym battles thanks to it being filmed. Ash then trains Remoraid and Pineco into evolving into Octillery and Forretress. He scans the two.

[Octillery, the Jet Pokemon and the evolved form of Remoraid.
It traps enemies with its suction-cupped tentacles then smashes them with its rock-hard head
This Octillery is level 55 and knows the moves Octazooka, Water Pulse, Seed Bomb, Scald, Energy Ball, Rain Dance, Flash Cannon, Helping Hand, Focus Energy, Swift, Sludge Bomb, Psychic, Surf, Waterfall, Mud Shot, Psybeam, Aurora Beam, Whirlpool, Bubble Beam, Lock-On, Psychic, Rock Blast, Bullet Seed, Ice Beam, Soak, Hydro Pump, Hyper Beam, Gunk Shot, Acid Spray*Egg Move*, Flail*Egg Move*, and Water Spout*Egg Move*]

[Forretress, the Bagworm Pokemon and the evolved form of Pineco.
Its entire body is shielded by a steel-hard shell. What lurks inside the armor is a total mystery.
This Forretress is level 65 and knows the moves Heavy Slam, Mirror Shot, Double Team, Zap Cannon, Rock Slide, Flash Cannon, Iron Defense, Gyro Ball, Bide, Bug Bite, Protect, Rapid Spin, Light Screen, Automize, Spikes, Signal Beam, Pin Missile*Egg Move*, Double-Edge*Egg Move*, Swift*Egg Move*, Sand Tomb*Egg Move*, Endure*Egg Move*, and Stealth Rock*Egg Move*]

Our heroes goes to the gym, but sees a note that says "I apologize for any challengers, but I'm unavailable to battle anyone since the Ampharos at the lighthouse is ill. You are welcome to visit the lighthouse. Sincerely, Gym Leader Jasmine."

Ash seems worried. "Hey guys, let's check on the Ampharos. Maybe we can help?" They all agree and goes to the lighthouse.

Ash sees Meowth speeding to him and he jumps out of the way, Ho-Oh's Pokeball falling out and Meowth grabs it. "Hey! Give that back Meowth!"
The group turns around and sees the pokemon from Team Rocket.

Meowth opens the pokeball and screams in confusion, seeing the shiny bird like legendary come out. The gang is completely shocked, Ash looking nervous.

"Holy crap! Youz got a legendary pokemon?! And it's shiny! Ohoho, this will be great for Team Rocket!" Ho-Oh glares at Meowth, flinging him away with Psychic.

Ash looks nervous and returns Ho-Oh back to her pokeball, seeing the gang's shocked looks. "Bu-wha-I-SINCE WHEN DID YOU HAVE HO-OH?!" Misty and Brock asked in unison and obvious and loud shock, Ash and Falkner holding their ears, Morty whacking the two on the head to say "Stop being loud infront of Ash and Falkner."

They rub their heads in pain.
"S-sorry, it's just..woah. You have a legendary pokemon?" Ash nods, feeling he should spill the beans with
"Yeah...legendary...s..." The four were surprised with the sudden usage of what seems to be a plural.

" many legendary pokemon do you have?" Brock asked, Ash looking even more nervous.

"Um...well, Ho-Oh was my first...when I was at Route 1..then there was Mew and Mewtwo at the beach near Bill's...there was the legendary birds before the Viridian gym...Celebi out of the GS Ball...Raikou, Entei, and Suicune when we got to Johto...and Lugia in Ilex Forest.." Ash explained.

It was a good thing that Mewtwo and his kind's origins and information was on the news, so the four knows what a Mewtwo was.

Unsurprisingly, Brock and Misty were pale. "Why didn't you use any of them?!" Misty shouts, Ash holding his ears and answers softly with "I didn't want Team Rocket or anyone else getting ahold to them..." Misty stops and says "Th-that's... actually a good point."

Ash was clearly nervous and asks "C-can you..k-keep it secret?...I...I-I wanna be strong enough to protect them..."

They all look at each other and nod.
"Alright, but I have a question. Does anyone know about you having legendary pokemon?"

Ash nods and says "The Nurse Joys, Professors Oak, Ivy, and Elm."
They all see a girl in a white dress and grayish brown hair come down, looking worried.

Brock has heart eyes, but his Rhydon Megahorns him before he starts flirting.

The girl and the others has an anime sweatdrop from this. Ash looks at the girl and asks "Are you the Olivine gym leader?" She nods and says "That's right, I'm Jasmine."

Ash let's out his Flaaffy and Natu and Falkner brings out his own Natu and Pidgey. Ash turns to Jasmine and asks "Jasmine, may I see the sick pokemon you were looking after?"

Jasmine nods and takes the gang to the top of the lighthouse, an exhausted Ampharos was laying there with a damp rag on it's head.

After about two to three minutes of Ash examining Amphy the Ampharos, he goes to Jasmine. "It has a bad flu and a shortage of electricity. I know a medicine in Cianwood that will help it."

Jasmine looks worried, but relieved that there is medicine for the pokemon.

Just then, Team Rocket sneaks in, but the Natus, Flaaffy, and Pidgey sees them and attacks them.

"Ahh! Hey, get away you stupid birds!" Jessie said, trying to swat away the two Natu.

The others turn around, Jasmine confused and surprised. "Who are those three?" "They're bad guys trying to steal pokemon!" Misty exclaimed, pulling put a pokeball, letting out Poliwhirl to help.

The two Natu, Pidgey, and Flaaffy start to evolve while attacking Jessie's Arbok, who had decided to attempt to pounce Amphy.

"Oh crud." James said, seeing Flaaffy become an Ampharos, the Natu becoming Xatu, and Pidgey into Pidgeotto. Ash scans them.

[Ampharos, the Light Pokemon and the evolved form of Flaaffy.
When it gets dark, the light from its bright, shiny tail can be seen from far away on the ocean's surface. This Ampharos is level 65 and knows the moves Zap Cannon, Dragon Pulse,
Thunderbolt, Thunder, Rain Dance, Charge Beam, Outrage, Take Down, Shock Wave, Brick Break, Thunder Wave, Focus Punch, Fire Punch, Thunder Punch, Electro Ball, Light Screen, Confuse Ray, Double Team, Signal Beam, Cotton Guard, Charge, Body Slam*Egg Move*, and Iron Tail*Egg Move*]

[Xatu, the Mystic Pokemon and the evolved form of Natu.
Once it begins to meditate at sunrise, the entire day will pass before it will move again. This Xatu is level 55 and knows the moves Air Slash, Steel Wing, Reflect, Light Screen, Swift, Shadow Ball, Teleport, Stored Power, Calm Mind, Confuse Ray, Night Shade, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Zen Headbutt, Wish, Future Sight, Cosmic Power, Ominous Wind, Roost*Egg Move*, Sucker Punch*Egg Move*, and Drill Peck*Egg Move*]

Falkner's Xatu has the moves has the moves Air Slash, Teleport, Stored Power, Peck, Confuse Ray, Wish, Night Shade, Psychic, Ominous Wind, Roost, Steel Wing, Swift, Shadow Ball, and Calm Mind.

His Pidgeotto knows the moves Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Double Team, Roost, U-Turn, Hurricane, Air Slash, and Brave Bird.

The bird like pokemon, Eevee, Togetic, Ampharos, and Pikachu glares at Team Rocket, making them blast of with Pikachu and Ampharos's Thunderbolt, Eevee's Trump Card, Togetic's Dazzling Gleam, Pidgeotto, Hurricane, and the Xatus' Air Slash.

Then Team Rocket blast off again and Ash hugs his newly evolved Ampharos and Xatu, clearly proud of them.

"Thank you for saving the lighthouse from those people and their Meowth Ash, Falkner. Can you go to Cianwood to get the medicine please? Someone needs to stay with Amphy." Jasmine thanked and asked, the gang agrees.

Our heroes sets out to Cianwood City
for the gym and to pick up the medicine.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Sixteen

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