Ecruteak Evolutions

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(< > Is the translation of pokemon's speech , [ ] is the pokedex and bold are thoughts)

Our heroes finally arrive at Ecruteak City, Ash going to the pond and training and evolving Sunkern, Mantyke, and Chinchou into Sunflora, Mantine, and Lanturn. Ash scans them all.

[Sunflora, the Sun Pokemon and the evolved form of Sunkern
It converts sunlight into energy. In the darkness after sunset, it closes its petals and becomes still. This Sunflora is level 50 and knows the moves Petal Dance, Petal Blizzard, Seed Bomb, Synthesis, Earth Power, Double Team, Light Screen, Double-Edge, Swords Dance, Safeguard, Sunny Day, Solar Beam, Growth, Grass Whistle, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Leaf Storm, Helping Hand, Giga Drain, Protect, Energy Ball, Nature Power*Egg Move*, Sweet Scent*Egg Move*,Endure*Egg Move*, and Morning Sun*Egg Move*]

[Mantine, the Kite Pokemon and the evolved form of Mantyke.
As it majestically swims, it doesn't care if Remoraid attach to it for scavenging its leftovers. This Mantine is level 50 and it knows the moves Surf, Roost, Psybeam, Bullet Seed, Rock Blast, Swift, Signal Beam, Aerial Ace, Double Team, Liquidation, Iron Head, Ice Beam, Seed Bomb, Gunk Shot, Hurricane, Rain Dance,
Supersonic, Wing Attack, Take Down, Bubble Beam, Water Pulse, Aqua Ring, Agility, Bounce, Headbutt, Air Slash, Hydro Pump, Mirror Coat*Egg Move*, and
Twister*Egg Move*]

[Lanturn, the Light Pokemon and the evolved form of Chinchou
The light it emits is so bright that it can illuminate the sea's surface from a depth of over three miles. This Lanturn is level 55 and knows the moves Hydro Pump, Thunder, Stockpile, Swallow, Spit Up, Whirlpool, Supersonic, Electro Ball, Spark, Bubble Beam, Take Down, Surf, Dazzling Gleam, Bounce, Rain Dance, Thunder Wave, Scald, Confuse Ray, Blizzard, Discharge, Aqua Ring, Ice Beam, Signal Beam, Psybeam*Egg Move*, Soak*Egg Move*, and Water Pulse*Egg Move*]

Misty was screaming in joy, her Poliwag had evolved into Poliwhirl.
Ash flinches, but understands why she is screaming like that quickly, seeing her new Poliwhirl.

Ashs sees Falkner talking to a blond male in purple, who is clearly friendly and goes over. "Hey Falkner, who's this?" The two look at Ash and Falkner speaks. "Oh Ash, this is Morty, the friend I was talking about. He likes ghost pokemon and has the same powers as us." Ash smiles and he shakes his hand. "It's nice to meet another fellow aura and psychic user." Morty says, Ash agrees.

Ash goes back to training and finding some more items for evolutions, such as Sun Stones, Moon Stones, King's Rocks, Metal Coats, and a Dragon Scale. Ash finds an injured scientist and Ash tends to his wounds. He was kind enough to give him an Upgrade, some TRs and even old TMs that functions as today's TRs like Zap Cannon and Dynamic Punch.

He said that there's a class in making his own TRs from scratch, even if they are from different moves as long as the moves and their respective older TM had existed before reusable TMs like Iron Tail and Zap Cannon in Olivine City.

The only ones allowed are in the professor ranks, like Junior Professor.
"I can get you in there. My sister runs it so it should be easy." Ash smiles and says "That would be very helpful. Thank you sir."

Ash manages to evolve his Chansey and Scyther into Blissey and Scizor. Ash scans all four of them.

[Blissey, the Happiness Pokemon and the evolved form of Chansey.
It has a very compassionate nature. If it sees a sick Pokémon, it will nurse the sufferer back to health.
This Blissey is level 52 and knows the moves Body Slam, Doubleslap, Calm Mind, Stored Power, Copycat, Hyper Voice, Softboiled, Sing, Mega Punch, Thunderbolt, Flamethrower, Ice Beam, Protect, Shadow Ball, Heal Pulse, Rock Slide, Egg Bomb, Sweet Kiss, Life Dew, Headbutt, Helping Hand, Refresh, Dazzling Gleam, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Ice Punch, Drain Punch, Safeguard, Attract, Psychic, Endure *Egg Move*, Aromatherapy*Egg Move*, Heal Bell*Egg Move*, Metronome *Egg Move* and Present*Egg Move*]

[Scizor, the Pincer Pokemon and the evolved form of Scyther.
This Pokémon's pincers, which contain steel, can crush any hard object it gets a hold of into bits.
This Scizor is level 55 and knows the moves Bullet Punch, Quick Attack, Protect, Vacuum Wave, False Swipe, Cross Poison, Wing Attack, Fury Cutter, Slash, Flash Cannon, Focus Energy, Double Team, Razor Wind, Psycho Cut, Swift, X-Scissor, Night Slash, Swords Dance, Endure, Iron Defense, Iron Head, Double Hit, Air Slash, Agility, Brick Break, Aerial Ace, Steel Wing, Silver Wind*Egg Move*, and Bug Buzz*Egg Move*]

Ash pets all of his pokemon and turns to Morty. "Morty, do you know who the Ecruteak gym leader is?" Morty nods and says "My uncle is. He also uses ghost pokemon. But, it's his day off, so you're gonna have to wait until tomorrow." Ash nods and says "I understand. Thanks for the heads up."

And so, our heroes heads to the Pokemon Center, getting ready for a good night's sleep.
As the journey continues.

End of Chapter Fourteen.

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